Thursday, April 28, 2005
tiRing daE!!!
hAven beeN abLe to uSe thE coM fOR 2 daEs coZ coM dW wiF viRus... wAs roTtin aT hOme... liFe wiThoUt a cOm is uNbearaBle maNz... toDay waS acT fit daE... haHaz... suPer dUper lOng nV exerCise aLreadI... weNt pLAy badmiNtoN, swImmIn n waLkiN... hahAz... noW feeLin lYke a jeLLyfISh whoLE boDy nO strenGth gUEss i wiLL BE mOviN to bIkiNi bottoM to reunIte wIf SBSP!!! *laME* sOme pRobs cRop uP aT hoMe... hOpefuLLy iT caN bE settLed fasT.. aLthOugH mY famiLy seeMs to BE alWayz quarreLLin oVer $$ maTters wiF eaCh other but wHen a reaL proB actuaLLy occuRs tHEy wouLd aLwaYZ be dEre foR eaCh othEr... sO gan dong... lasTLy Juz waNNa lEt the worLd woRLd Noe n anI Acg memBErs readIn tiS " I LOVE ACG!!!" mISs everI singLE oNe oF u... hOpe oUr nXt aCg daE wiLL arriVe verI sooN... n dUcky dUn fOrgeT the desIgNs huH?!?
Bunny tang Y 2:15 AM