Sunday, December 25, 2005


suPer dUper tiRed... thE nUmber oF hoUrs i sLept for tis wHoLe weeKs is onLi arD 15 hrS... mY gOOdneSs! tUrNin inTo a zOmbie...aLL exaMS fauLt... bUt whO caRes it's tiMe to enjoY nOw...aFt eXam on friDae wHich ended at 1oAM i weNt foR a waLk wif chIew n tM n we weNt to tHE toYs departmeNt to sLack n i sAw a sWeetie... she's sO cUte!! jUz lYke mI.. *bLeahz* bUt taT eviL cHiews waS buLLyin her aLL the tiMe untiL shE whIned at hEr... ha!
weNt to zouk wIf daPpie,mZ,pS n jOs... weNt to mEet pS at oRchArd firsT to Buy pReseNts n it wAs sUper paCked bEcoZ of dA mIdnite shOppiN... so iRritatIn lahZ... getTin pUshed aRd... weNt to eaT diNner at coFfee cLuB(laSagna n hOt chOcolaTe) verI fuLL maNz... deN weNt oVer to tHe taXi stAnd for mZ n dAp to pIck uS uP cOZ thEy tooK a caB dw froM dappIes's hSe... teRribLe trAffic jaM at oRchArd... got a cLEar viEw of waT daP n MZ waS wEaring aft gettIng dw the Cab... dap lOoked lYke a riCh taI-taI n mZ seXy bLack lady... HaHAz... goT tO zouk tOo earLy i guESS N it wAs practicaLLy emPty... we wEnt to tHe hoteL to hAve a sit n staRted zHi-liAnin... n aft tat we deciDed to go geT our dRInk firSt... *or-lenG jUi maKes dAp n mZ hIgh* hEe!! deN waIted for jOs tO Arrive befoRe proceEdin to tHe dance fLoor... bUt wAt a diSappOintmEnt!!! tHe sOnG totaLLy sUx untiL 1.30aM, bUt daP n mz hAd lEft earLier becOz thEy waNNa go miDnite sHoPpin... sEe!!! cOncLusiOn: taI taIs... haIz... *shAkes heAd* hEe... sAw aLex deRe tOo bUt onLi see hIm 3tiMEs n he dIsaPPeared... hahAz... tOo short to bE seeN i guEss!! lAlalaz... lefT earLier at 2.50aM COz i hv tO waKe uP at 8 for wOrk n went to tHe pratA sHop acroSs tHe rOad for a dRInk... 2 CUpS of bArley!!! nIce, coolin n Sweet!!!
Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by mI n sWEetie...
Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by mY yUmMy diNner
Image hosted by mI n ps... AngeLs in whIte.. hEe!
Image hosted by mZ n mI... cutIes
Image hosted by tHe 2 tai taIs
Image hosted by mI n nUggeT... *muAckie

-----They aLL lOves mI-----
mErrY mErrY chRIstmas~
todae is oFficiaLLy cHrisTmas...*cheEr eVEryboDy* chrisTmas eVe waS faBulOus... aLtHough stiLL exHausted... leGs achinG badLy... weNt to worK at 8am wiF onLi 4 hrs of sLeep, knOck ofF at 7.15pM N WEnt to coLLect tHe lOg caKe wHich i oRdered iN thE moRning before worK n waited fOr aH yi tO come fetch Mi frOm toA paYoh hOme... eVeriOne waS deRe xpect sAm n emErlyn... thEy were bUsy spRayin tHe decOs for tHe wiNdow... it waS reaLLi nIce thX to FeL's effOrt aS she was tHe one wHo cUt aLL the naMe stenciLs... aFt tAt we aTe a suMptuoUs dinner althoUgh the turKey waS mIa coZ dUnNoe waNna order frOm whEre.. bUt at leaSt got lOg caKe thx To mI...HEe... waS sO bLoated i felt lYke pUkin den i asK FeL wHetHEr we couLd xcHanGe gIft earLier cOz i wanted tO go cLub aT liq rM... lUcky shE wasNt anGry... deN we exChanGed gIft... it wAs sO fUn! i waNted tO wait den 26deC before OpenIn mY preZzies bUt tHey lyKe aLL so aNxiOus so i deciDed tO opeN onLi taT preZzies... tHe one i picKed is frm sTeph... n sHe wraPPed herseLf iNsiDe... hahaZ... u wiLL nOe yYy laTer... den lefT hOMe at 1145pM n deRe waS no mOre traIn sO aH yi fetCh mI dw aLL the waY to lIq rM... sO goOD maNz... reaChed lIq rm at 12.30 am coZ we were soRt of loSt haLf waY... not as mUch ppLe as i expEct... weNt wiF fuLing,sHi ya,jOs,lAura,vIcky,sImin n her gUy(viNsin)... buT dunnOe yYy waS bLoodY dW on lUck ysterdAe maNZ... 1sT jOs clotHes dUUno waT got sTruck tO mY nAval ring n sHe tUck it deN i sHouted at hEr to nOt to mOve n broKe taT i dUnnoe waT thIng wfrM my rng... bUt it tHe paIn was eXcrUciatIn.. aLmosT faInt caN bUt of cOz diDnt... went to toiLet tO clean n it wAs bLeedIn maNz... but stiLL maNaged to survive... haHaz... *toUgH* deN tiS fUcKin basTArd bY accideNt buRn mI wiF hIs ciGarette oN mY baCk... waH daMn hIm maNz... buT stiLL it wAs quIte fun! goiN mOs tO sEe see One daY... pAst bY ysTerdaY n tHe quEue wAs freaKin LONG.... mAdnEss!! sLept At 5aM n wOkeuP at 8aM for work aGain... worked tiLL 1.30pM n hEre i aM.. goNna bUy maddoGs prezzies lAter n mEet theM at espLanade aT 11.30pM laTer...

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Image hosted by i'M da bEst!
Image hosted by JsqUare... jU n heR guY(jaCkie)
Image hosted by l liVe dA eaT!
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yYy hAsnt sAnta bOy come to pUt preSents in mY stocKIngs =(
Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by tHe lUcky winner oF mY prezZies-Kat aka kittY-

Image hosted by xcHangE gift i got frM stePh... it's a pig head flOor maT... cUte! hAppI lala...

Bunny tang Y 5:33 PM

Friday, December 23, 2005

i'M baCk

*wAveS* hArLo tO aLL mY loYal pAtrOns(if aNy) i'M bAck, aLive n kIcking aFt tHe sTrenOus weEk oF eXamS!! finalLy i hAve bRaved thrOugh aLL tHe paPers... MBS is kiLLer it sU totaLLy.... mY exPectatiOns r nt hIgh a pAss fOr aLL suBjeCts wiLL saTisFy mI! *maY god bLess aLL* dOn cHa mIss Mi pPle!!! mUahaha... i'm kInda cRazy laHz sO paRdOn mi... i'm Juz tOo haPpi tAt eXamS oVer n thE woNderfuL chriStmas is aRd da cornEr... *hMm* whEre'S mY preSents ppLe??! hahaz... gOnnA haVe a famiLy diNner tomoLo i cAn predIcit it's gOnna bE sO mUch fUn! exChange gifts, lOtsa foOd*lOgcaKe,caNdy cAne* aLL thE sweeT sTufFs, cRaPpin, pLayIng n *sIngin oF caroLs! hEe... sLieNt nIte~ JingLe beLls jIngLe beLLs jIngLe beLL rOx hEY!~ pLans fOr aCg nOt eVen cOnfiRmed YEt... bOriNg... bUt for faMiLy wiLL be dinner tomOlo n mAddoGs meeTin oN 25deC nIteZ... YEah! bUt thE bAd tHing iS i hAVe to work... goTta be sO tiRed... bUt for the sAke of christMAs i guess it's aLL worTh whiLe... gOin cLubbiN todae fiNaLLy aFt sO lOng *2weeKs* wiF mZ n dap for dA 1st tiIme aLso pS n jOs wiLL be jOinin uS... yEah! for nOw i'm gOin to taKe a nAP 1sT before preParin tO go n bUy preZzies n cLub... eNergYs aLL drained bY eXam, onLi sLept a totaL oF aRd 10hRs tiS weeK... pReseNts waT a heaDache! dUn nOe waT to geT manZ... onLi setTled oNe out oF 3... bROugHt mY famiLy oNe alreadI stiLL shorT of aCg's n mAddOg's pResent....
-rAbSter- heReby wiSHin eVerioNe
myspace mY dEars!
*mAy goD bLEss aLL*


Bunny tang Y 12:32 PM

Thursday, December 15, 2005

mUggEr tO be!

i decLAre mYseLf from nOw a mUggEr! at leasT for The tiMe beiNg untiL aft mY mId sEM tesT... i beEn sAyin to mYself tAt i hAve to sTart stUdyin from lasT weeK bUt it'S tOdae deN i officiaLLy sTArted stuDyin... waT a faiLure! hAiz.. jUz caNt coNcentraTe... *whInes* goNNa start wIf mBs... bUt nOW taT i fiNshed mY boOk "memOirs oF a geiSha... i tiNk i wont bE taT disTracted aNimOre... MuG mUg mUg! wAs gOnna sIgn uP for nIghtcycLing wiF mY gaLs bUt iN tHe end tHe cLose tHE regiStratIon dUe to over-wheLming reSponds... wAt is tIs? dePrive mI of My sLimmIn activity n seaL pTs... hahaZ... nVm... the cooL n funky gaLS of 1B07 wOnt bE defeaTed taT easiLy we deCided tO organIZe oUr oWn aFt tHe mid-seM teSt... piLes of aFt exAm actIvitieS plaNned eVen befOre thE exAm sTarts... hahaZ..
cUrreNtLy pLanNing: tAnnIn,cLubBin on 23dEc, nIghtcycLing n trIp to hK in maRch....

FeL is nJoYin lIfe aT gentin nOw! sO unfaIr!!! sTresS nv faiLs tO maKe mI poUnd oN weIghts... cUrreNtLy induLgenciNg in sAra leE cHocOlatE caKe... simpLy deLiciOus! eaTin thE whoLe caKE sPooNfuL by sPooNfuL is defiNteLy siNfuL... bUt stiLL ThX jU for geTtin it fOr mi!! kK... mAin aIm fOr nOw-MUG!
Image hosted by fRee adVertiSment...
-the mUgger-
*rAbstEr Image hosted by

Bunny tang Y 11:57 PM

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

mUggIn sTartS!

mOndAy bLues Nv faiLs tO viSit mi n i hAte iT... ArgH! iT's exActLy oNe weeK befoRe mY exAm sTarts... n weNt fOr thE appeaL briEfin toDae n i caN sAy it wAs nO heLp at aLL... hAiz... woNder wHen tHe appEaL resULts wiLL be Out... bUt sOrt oF kNew tT i'M sTrucK wif mArkeTin... mOndAe sUx!! reAched hOme aT 7pM n waNted tO do mY hmwK bUt in The eNd feLL asLeeP tiLL 9pM... wEnt tO taKe a shOwer to wakE myseLf n waS sLackIn in froNt of the cOm tiLL nOw... mY taRget for tHe dAe: cOmpLete mY accTs tUt... tiMe is rUnnIn oUt, schEduLes r sO paCKed... laSt pAper oN the 23rd nO tiMe tO bUy preZzies! tiNk wiLL haVe to dO lasT mIn shOppiN oN the 23rd n mZ sAid tO go "cHiong"(tiNk cLub) on tHE 23rd deC... hahaZ... cAN't waIt for it to arrivaL... i LOve cHrisTmaS! aT leaSt sOmethIng to lOok forwArd tO! *dIng~ jIngLe beLLs jIngLe beLLs~saTancLAus is coMin tO toWn!! wHEe... wonder when i cAn hV aNothEr wHite cHrisTmas... hOpefuLLy nXt yR maNz! juZ fiNished dInner (cUp nOodLes+bA kUa) aT leAst i sTastified mY tuMmy... so i cAn stArt dOin mY woRk... woNt bE bLoggIn oFten fOr thE next 2weeKs tiLL mY exAms enD... dO miSs mI tiLL deN!
-tHE cooL n fuNky-
*raBSterImage hosted by

Bunny tang Y 12:35 AM

Monday, December 12, 2005

a gaL thIng!

wEnt liq rM ySterdAe n sAw lYke eVeryoNe i kNwe in Da worLd... haHaz... thE woRld is indeeM smaLL... sAw "cUtie", moUsey aGain, tiNk roLand, n tHot i sAw lOu lOu's freNz wOrkIn deRe n dArryL(thE gUy i sAw dEre 2weeKs aGo)... n aLso got tO nOe hIs freNz jaNsen...
dEn wAs pLaNNin dA gO to seNtoSa for tAnNin bUt wAs caNceLLed iN thE enD n inSteAd i weNt on a sHoPpin sprEe wiF jU... wAs terriBly laTe as we Had tO mEt eSther sO toOk a cAb dW to sUntec... as it Was the hoLidaE seaSon gIOrdao gaVE us stAff 40%coUpon bUt tHe tuPid cOupOns onLi laSted 3Days lAhz n toDae wAs thE lasT dAY sO thOt oF utiliSing iT tO thE maX... gAve 7 tO eMerLyn n sHE wEnt wiF her muM n aMeLia tO bUy n thEy uSed aLL uP... hahaZ... deN asK esTHer to Go chEck wAt sHe waNted at sUntec giO n sEe wheTher typ3 hAVe oR nOt den i cAn geT fOr hEr dEre tO tOp mY sALes for my stOre... heLP thE fuLL tiMErs gaIn their incentiVes... hEe... shE chOSe 2 jEans bUt tYp3 onLi haD oNe of it sO shE bROught thE othEr oNE from rafflEs ciTy... aFt tAT weNt to robInsOn coZ jU n esT waNted to bUy piLLows.. jU bROught a piLLow taT so caLLed cAn mAssaGe thE nEck fOr hEr gUy n esT broUght a goOse doWn neCk feaTher piLLow... hahaZ... tHe goOSe piLLow wAs qUIte sOft n fLuffY bUt haD a littLe gOOse smeLL... hahAz... dEn weNt tO shOp fOr linGerie bUt dIDnt sEe aNithIng taT i lyKed... sO weNt to sEe jU's bAg n sHe couLd deciDe whIch bAg tO get... onE was $150+ thE oTher oNe $300+ laHz bUt diFfereNce mAnz... aLmosT doubLe... hahaZ... shE decIDed to gO hoNgkOng n sEe whEther thE $300+ bAg frM agnEs wiLL bE chEaper sInce it's frOm hOngkoNg... hahaZ... deN whiLe sHe waS ponDerin i weNt tO lOok aT boOts n weNt tO tHe maKe uP sectiOn to bUy mAKeuP... brougHt an eYepenciL(coZ mY oLd oNe was aLmost goNe) n a muLti-shiMMer eYe looSe poWder (lOve it cOZ i tiNk the gLitter is verI nIce) fRm bOurjois...
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dEn walK waLk n i weNt intO reD earTh tO bUy mOre... aHAha.. it"s a gaL thIng! broUght bLushEr n tIS cOrrectIve maKE up bAse whIch wAs on pROmtiOn wIf anI reD-eaRth item brought for $13.90(usuaL $25)... hahaZ...
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aFt tAt we weRe dEcidIn tO gO for dInner before heAdin tO toA paYoh... buT in tHe enD pAssed bY gUess? n weNt iN tO taKe a lOok n tiS bAg caUgHt mY eYe dUnnOe yYy aLthOugh it'S pInk i thOt iT wAs verI nIce n aT $150+ i tiNk... hMm... tiNk wiLL bUy it befOre new Yr if i dun sEe aNi oTHer baG taT wiLL aTtract mI... hahAz... mAybe shAre wiF jU if sHe reaLLi wAns to lorz... dEn can sPlit coSt... hahAz... waNted tO eaT thaI expreSs bUt we didNt nOe hOw to geT dEre n sInce caFe caRteL is tHe nearesT n we weRe tOo laZy tO waLk wiF aLL thE baraNgs we settLed for tAt insTead... 2 oF us sHAred a cHeif saLad(loVed it aFt iChigo intrO mI tO iT) , paNfried lInguIne n a kaNgarOo aUstraLian appLe pIe wIf icE crEam... fuLL tO tHe brIm... ruShed dW tO toaPayOh coZ it clOses aT 10pM... caLLed the stoRe n asKed caLynN nOt tO cLose shoP n waiT fOr mi... hahaZ... ruShed dEre n brOugHt for mZ tHe cLothEs tAt she WanTed n oNe of esT jEans n 2 tOps... speNdin a totaL of $109+ maNz... mAdnEss! so heaVy lAhz... toDae shop clOsed wiF 10K!! WOW!~ sO haPpi 4 them... hEe... toOk 2 weeKs exAm lEave frM woRK... gOin bacK To work onLi on chriStmas evE afT mY exAms... dEn it's chrisTmas... wHEe! famiLy dinNer! jUz caN't waIt.... aFT taT meT jU's gUy n sHe pAst hIm hIS chRistmaS preZzies... n hEre i aM... sO tiRed... goNNa sLeep got sKooL at 9aM n i hAd tO wake up aT 6.50aM... eXams ard Da corNer... gOin tO stArt mUggIng...

Bunny tang Y 1:47 AM

Thursday, December 08, 2005

thuRsdaY sUX as mUch as weD

streAmin seLectIon resuLts wAs reLeaseD todAe n sArah waS tHe 1sT to teLL mi abT my results, follOwed bY iriS whO asK caLLed tO inforM mi laTer on... i totaLLy forgOt aBt it... haIz... gOt iNto bLoody marKetin! gRr... hOw irritatIn! weNt to appeaL for bUsiNess insteAd... jUz hOpe i couLd geT in if nOt i wouLd jUz haVe to aCCept thE faCt n do marKetin... *sickEniN* dUn eVen nOe hOw they dId tHe tuPid seLectiOn... spoiL mY daE earLy in tHe mOrnIng... shOw n teLL was finaLLy oVer, dUN haVe to worRy abt it animOre... nExt wiLL be thE mid-seM teSt... *stRess* i haTe fridaE becOz taT's MBS, taT's tHe onLi suBject tAt i aM totaLLy lOst in... dUn undErstaNd a sIngLe toPic in thE suBject... eVerytiMe whEn sHE goEs througH tuT evErioNE seems tO be aBle to nOe waT sHe's toKin abT at lEast aBit... xpEct mI! lyKe a loSt sHeeP! haTe tHe feeLing to thE coRe... *wonders* hOw to pAss thE teSt mAnz??? wiLL try tO dO thE tut lAter... *evoLves intO a mUggEr* paSsed bY heaRtlaNd maLL todAe n sAw a maN riNgin a beLL cOntinuOusLy for ppLe tO donAte tO tHe saLvatIo arMy... eVeryoNe waS juZ waLkin pAss hIm as iF he waS inviSibLe... n i tiNk he wAs abIt haNdicapPEd sO i went oVer n doNated tO hiM n thE waY he saiD "tHank yOu" simpLy maDe mi smiLe =D coZ i dId sOMethIng gOOd todAe... respEct hIm totaLLy cOZ despIte beiNg handicaPPed he did hiS paRt for raiSin fUds for chaRity... i dUn mInd donaTing mOney to reaL chaRitiEs or bUyin tiSsues froM pOOr aH mAs bUt i cAN't stAnd it wHen tEenaGers*mostLy i mEt beNGs* whO trYs tO seLL chArity tiXs tO mi as a jOb... simpLy haTe it whEn thEy bUg aT mi "bUy laHz bUy laHz for chArity onLI" bUt hOw mUch oF the mOney actuaLLy goEs to the nEedy pEOPle? i tiNk mOre goeS to thEir wages, paId for thE amt of tIx theY CAN SEll ... if tHey cAn do it withOut gettIn paId den i wouLd reaLLi boW dw n respecT thEm... sO u ppLe oUt dEre dOin tiS kind oF jobs for MOney stAy awAy froM mI or eLse dUn bLame mI for baD attitUde... gO fiNd a betTer jOb n doNate geNeroUsLy to reaL charitY organiZatIons... it'S a deceiving worLd oUt deRe..
*prAyz for mY appeaL*
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~cooL n funKy~
sIgns ofF

Bunny tang Y 11:20 PM

sHow n teLL

gOsh i'm stiLL awaKe nOw at tIs tiMe of tHe dAy to pReparE for My jAp shOw n teLL lAter... cAme hOme frOm skooL afT gOin to sTepH hSe to pRInt thE pIcs for mY shOw n teLL... aTe dInnEr, deLIciOus hoKkien MEe*YUm* n feLL asLeep aFt taT whilE i waS readIng mY stoRybK "mEmoirs oF a geIsha"... qUIte a Nice bOOk i tiNk! kINda aTTracTed tO it nOw... waS reaDing iT eVEn dUring sTAts lEcture beCoz tHe lEcture whO waS apparentLy "a-pui kai"-mi n chIew camE oUt wif it i tink *mY tutOr n i haD eNough of HEr voIce dUring HEr tut earLier on sO couLdnt reaLLi be bOthered tO listeN to Her anImore... sCarEd MAnz! wiLL be preSentiNg infRont of a cLass oF ppLe wHich i duN eVEn nOe wIthoUt a scriPt... hAven reaLLi inteRacted wIf tHe cLass ppLe sInce tHe begInnIn oF tiS seMesTer coZ thEy sEems sO unsoCiabLe... hAiz! hOw i wIShed i waS goNNa pReseNt tO mY presEnt cLAss... duN tiNk it wiLL be tAt sCary cOz we nOe eAch Other qUIte weLL aLreadi... sOmemOre wiThoUt a scriPt mAnz... gOd! jUz kiLL mI... hOW to memOriZe mAnz... KNN! *qUote frM i-Li* hAhaz... i trIed tImig mYseLf n i onLi tooK 2 n haLf mIn... whIch is tOO shOrt cOz it's sUppose to be 3-4miNs... n i teNd to spEak expectiOnaLLy fasT wHen i'm nerVous... tiNk i cAn fiNish iN lYke oNe mIn lAhz... dAmN! shaLL go resT mY braIns n stOp woRryiN... goNna waKe uP at 9.50aM... oHayo gozaimaSu....

Bunny tang Y 5:37 AM

Sunday, December 04, 2005


wEnt tO woRk As usuaLLy... waT loUsy weeKend! lUcky i wAs wOrkin MOrnIn shIft aLthOugh haD tO waKE up earLy But i couLd aLSo be reLeasE earLier tOo... aFt work weNt tO bUgis tO meeT FeL, kaT n Ju... n thEy weRe terribLe dOwn oN lUck i guEss... jU's sLipper spoiL aFt FeL sTepped oN it n sHe couLdnt traveL arD n wAs forced tO gO bUy a nEw oNe... n kAt triPped wHen sHe waS trYin tO cHAse aFt mI wHen i haD bLoody nO sNEse of diRectiOn n wAs trYin tO fiNd thEm.... deN whEN WE weRe waLkin jU hEr mOst unwaNted to See pErsOn ch*y! hAhaz... n sHe sO fuNNi lEft a mEmo iN mY pHone tAt heR freNz aLso nOe Laura n yA's freNz JJ n eDdie... haahZ... *iT's a smaLL worLd aFter aLL~!!! weNt to eaT jAP foOD aT wheRe pS waS woRkin... aTe bLack pEpper bEef... *yUmmY* deN weNt to waLk aT bUgis sTreeT... aFt taT weNt to meEt Jo.jOs n Ya at praTa shop oUtside mY hsE for a sHort gaTHering n weNt hOme... tT's aLL!! LoVe u pEeps ...

Bunny tang Y 11:28 PM


tInK thIs pOst shLd be qUite LOng cOz more tHen 3 daYz nv upDate aLreadi ... hahaZ... lEt's stArt wIF thUrsdAy wAs terribLy sIck, doWn wiF feVer, sOre thRoat n fLu... dint maKe it tO skooL n Yet i weNt for wOrk at 6pm... cOz deRe wAs terribLe shOrtaGe of ppLe n pS haD xtRa lEssons lAst mIn... aLmoSt dIEd dEre sO bLoody sLeepY aFt eaTin Med... aFt wOrk weNt hoMe n asK ah yI to feTch mI frOm the bus stop iNto oUr hSe... aTe meD n dOZe oFf lYke a pIg..

deN caMe aLong fridAe... weNt tO skooL as uSuaL n i thOt i lOst mY waLLet laHZ... coZ wHen i got hOme ySterdae i thOt tAt i toLd mY auNt to Bring My hP n waLLet uPstaIrs to Mi... bUt whEn i woke uP in tHE mOrNin i suDdenLy reMEmbEr sHe onLi pAssed MI mY Hp... n mY waLLet wAs gone... ruNnin lAte for skooL toO i borRowed mOney n ezlInk caRd wiF ah yI n weNt to skooL... totaLLy nO MOod tO cONcerntrAte laHz... wAs daMn distraCted thinkin aBt wHere mY waLLet wouLd be... bEcOz i defiNteLy brOught it hOme coZ i taP mY ezLink befOre i wenT dw tHe bUs n boArd ahi yi's cAr nexT as sHe reacheD bEfore Mi... pRayed sO hard for it tO coMe bacK laHZ evEn chIews n irIs heLped... hahaZ... deN finaLLy wHen i waS oN mY waY to sImpaNg to eaT wIf mad dogS mY aUnt mSged mI sAid shE foUnd MY walLet in hEr caR at thE bacKseaT... deN i recaLLed tat i weNt to chEck the froNt sit iN thE mOrning whIch iS yYy i couLdnt fiNd it... *STM=sHort tErm mEMory* hAiz... tiNk i nEed sOme braiN toNic to impROve mY mEMory... althOught stiLL suFferIn frm sORe throAt n fLu i weNt to eat jUkies... aTe mY usuaL maGgi goreNg n teH chiNo... thE sErviCe was BAd n taT's aLL i caN sAy... toLd lYke 1/2hr jUz to geT oUr biLL cOz bOss wAs esTin lUnch n thEy caN't caLcuLate... waT thE heLL LAhzz.... irIs triEd tiS weIrd pRata caLLed "boMb" which we aLL thOt waS raW eggyOlk wraPped in it... sO grOSs! deN we kept insIsting iRis tO pOKe it Open n to mY horrY afT iRis aTe deN we dIscoVered taT it wAs bUtter a whOle chUck of it a i guEss... coZ it's aLL meLted intO liqUid n pUt insiDe... bLoodY faTtenIn... thE aMt oF oiL... gOSh!! n chIews waS maD chEwing hEr tiSsue pAper wiF her hAnds... ahAhaz... iChigO was a smaLL eaTer onLi aTe oNe pieCe n she's fuLL... naNny aTe aLmost thE saMe xPEct oNe mOre praTa ... as usuaL wUshu n sUatty wEre twIns n thEy aTe the sAme... tiNk ikanbilies n riCe Or sOmethIng lyKe tat laHz....
iRIs wAs tHe chaMpion cOz sHe aTe tHe mOst... haHAz... deN aFt eaTIn wEnt tO my darLin hSe tO do POM pRojeCt... wE wEre sO dIStraCted wIf eVEry littLe thIngs jUz lyKe kIds... hEe... n i sAw sUnsHine(dOg) n koyA*dUnnOe hOw speLL(moUse) sArah's peTs... sUnshIne wAs sO sCare oF mi lAhz... dUnnOe yYy... desPIte mI sIngiNg hIm a song !! *sINgs "sUnsHIne sHiniNg throUgh tHe wIndOw!!~ HaHAZ... diD tHe pROject untiL Plus n wE lefT cOz irIs n chIews haD sOmethIng oN...
Image hosted by Photobucket.comtAt's the "boMb"
Image hosted by sArah's diSguSted by iriS n irIS cHeckin out tHe bOmb...
Image hosted by mY maGgie gorEng... guEss whEre tHe yoLk went tO?
Image hosted by eGg yoLks donated bY mi n nAn to cHIews... sHe waNted tO eaT 4 laHz... mAdneSs chIews...
Image hosted by tHe naNny.. where'S mY pApaYa miLk Jui??? hEe...
Image hosted by mY mAid sUattY
Image hosted by Photobucket.comwaT's i-li lUffing aT???
Image hosted by oPPs! we MAde i-Li cRied... ahAhaz...

-bReaK- tO be cOntiNued.... sTay tuNed

Bunny tang Y 1:24 AM


Bunny tang.
Date de naissance-4th May.

I have crossed the Big 2 and fears entering 3
The corporate world bores me, now i long to go back to sch
Have been working at the Singapore Flyer for 3yrs but a new chapter awaits me
Loving & being loved by my dearest boy
We have crossed our 3yrs mark baby, thats a record n i want it to go on and on
Easily satisfied with SWEET stuffs & a full tummy. U know what to do. Bye ♥

Trash it out

Cousin Samsam-thedonkey
Ming Zhen-thepromoter
dajie FeLFeL-thehiPpo
aCg Jojo-thespoiltbrat
Tee Jun-thedude
cOusin Emerlyn-thedevotedchristian
aCg Simin-thedarlingstar
aCg Peishan-theMummyLi


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