Monday, June 27, 2005
finaLLy oVer
sO daMn buSy... dUn hAve tiMe to cOme updaTe... finaLLy the essaY is compLeted...bUt it'S nOt ovEr yeT...cOz thE miD seM tEst is NExT weeK... n i haVEn evEn stUdiEd... aI yaH... caN't bE boTHered tOo... hEe... sO to rewaRd myseLf fOR spEndin mY prEciOus weeKend aT hoMe jUz to compLete mY assiGnmenT i weNt foR suppEr *hIppIe hOOray*... weNt tO jaLan kaYu to eaT praTa... *yUm* iT's maKin mI hUngry aGain... wEnt aT 12 pLus n onLi reaCHed hOme aT 3... coZ haLfwaY soMe fuNni thIngs haPPened laHZ... haahZ... weNt sTr8 tO bEd afT reaChin hOme.... faT diE mI maN!!! haHaz... taT tuPid sIS oF mIne (FeL) teMpted mI to gO maRina tO eaT toDae!! bUt i Had daNce cLass... iDioT... i waNna EAT sEafoOD!!!
Bunny tang Y 11:28 PM