Friday, September 30, 2005
liFe uPdaTe
wAs freAkin temPted tO cLub.. sO finaLLy fOund someoNe tO gO cLubbIn wIF.. weNt tO mOmo wiF liZ n lAurA foR the 1sT tiME yEsterdAe... nOw cLubbIn freNz... hAhaz... thE pLAce wAs noT bAd bUt thE mUsIc WAs NoT as gOod aS pHutuRe... tAt's for sUre!! pHutuRe roX... caN't waIt for iT to reoPen... lAlala... bUt wAs haPpiLy danCing oN the PlatforM tILl soMe a guy(to mI gaY) exTra n caMe uP n toOk uP sO mUch sPAce n foUnd a bLoody fLing oF thE saMe rAce(gLks) taT gaL waS freAky iRritatiNg caN... hAd sUch a freaKin bIg Ass n wAs practicaLLy trYin to bOunce aLL of US ofF wiF hEr bUtt... i couLdnt taKE it n i weNt dw bUt wHen i waS dw dEre sHE waS maD sWingin hEr faT hAnds n hIt mY heAd nUmeroUs tiMes... bLoody pIg! shE eVen maKE lIz aLmosT feLL oFf... waT a bItCh!! bUt in tHe enD lAura sAve the dAe!!! AHaha.. shE tooK oFf hEr heeLs n bounce hEr oFf...hAhaz... wHoOo hOo!! hAve to waIt tiLL 130aM befoRe tHey pLAyed rNb... befOre taT theY weRe pLayin hOuse whIch gaVe mI a terrible headachE... waS rNb it soRt of becoMe retRo.. hAhaz.. n we dEcided to enD the dAe... waS deaDbeat... bUt ySterdaE waS frEe enTry n fRee fLow... hOW nIce being a gaL!!! aHAha... toO baD guYs! lUcky toDae's oFf daE or i wiLL defiNtely bE roLLin aT woRk... tomoLo stiLL haVE to wOrk frM afTernoOn tiLL cLOsin... aHH!!! hoW boriNg!! bUt foR thE sAke oF cAsh i shALl enDure!! pErsevEraNce!!! caN't waIt foR thE chaLet oN 16oCt ... pLay tiLL mY heArts coNtent... goaNna mEet aCg oN sAt tOo... lOokin fOrwaRd.... tATa!!
Bunny tang Y 12:07 AM