Monday, October 31, 2005

chaLet fiesTa

I’m cuRrentLy at tHe chaLet shAking leG! eNvy mI ppLe!! ahAHaha… have been iN thE chalet fOr 6dAys maNz… cAn u imaGine?? It wAs suppose tO be 3daYs bUt FeL went tO book aGain another oNe… thE firs oNe waS wiF jU, FeL,kaT, sAm n hEr gAl, saMueL,stEph, ameLia, *eMerlyN, JacKie(ju’s gUy),ah gong, ah pO, wait, ah yI, auntie fLorence n waTi(came for bbQ onLi)… hahaZ… thE 1sT 3daYS oF the chalet wAs baD… sO mUch tension… quarreling n sTufF… seeMs to bE soMe famiLy dispUtes gOin oN btw tHe oLder oNes… *sIgH* r/s proBlem tOo it’s fine nOw btw thEm… hahAz… went cycling tOdae wiF kitty kaT, FeL, jU n ameLia toDae n weNt to paSir riS oLaygrd n pLayed lYke a kiD… hEe… *childhood lIfe rOx! thE bBQ wAs nOt verI gOod aT the sTart bUt I still mAnagE to stuff mY fAce wiF lOtsa food… ahAha… eaTin n eating nOn stop… bUt the troublesome things is I hAve to wOrk… imaGine traVeLLin from pAsir rIs to toA paYoh to n fRo… hOW irritating lAhz!! kitty aLso brought mI ju FeL n hErselF each a waBbit kEychAin wearing raincoat…sUper cUtie jUz lYke mI! hEe… lOve iT.. tiS is mY 2nd waBbit pLushie keychAin aFt thE first oNe taT jU brought fOr mI lOst together wiF mY pHone… sO sAddeNing!!! treasure tHe rabbit More tHEn thE phone loRz… *sOb* bUt I tiNk the chalet gOt cUrse mAn aLwaYz feel lYke nUaiNg(sLeepIn) n nOt mOve when in thE rOOm… I hAve to literally drag mYseLf oUt… tomoLo mOrning still mUz work… sIcKenIng!! SUndaY(30 oCt) wAs Jas lAst dAe aT work… mI wIShiNg her aLL the bEst in hEr studies!! take care gaL…

Bunny tang Y 10:47 PM

Thursday, October 27, 2005


hAd beEn qUIte lAzy tO upDate mY bLog lAteLy… bUt nevertHeleSs I’m bAcK woNt abandon mY bLog oNe lahZ… *CrAzy* update oF the pErviOus incident wHEn I lOst thE keys… auntie sally wAs sO kInd tO help mI pAy half of thE mOney n I hAd to fork oUt $90 in thE enD... n iwAs tHe oNe wHo lOst hEr keys… *touched* I gAVe her $100 n sHe stiLL insiSt oN gIvIn mI $10 chArge…fOrgOt oN which dAe*Alzheimer* I tInk wAs either MOnday oR TUesdAy Went to eAt supper wIF 4E3 ppLe… tAt leO leO bLuff uS said dEre waS aLot oF ppLe when he sEnt tHe lSIt oF ppLe gOin tO uS… but iN tHe eNd onLi 6 ppLe( dEs,bEar,leO,dUck,mIn n mI) … bUt aT least he Made aN effort tO organize lAhz… hAhaz… wE wEre suppose tO meet aT 10.30pM bUt eventually everyone waS laTe… hahaZ… aLL reached at around 11.20pM… lEo waS the 1sT tO reach n yEt zhI xiOng bLuffed hiM tAt he reached aLreadi wHen he wAs still at hOme toKin tO mI oN mSn.. haHAz… stiLL aSk mI caLL n bLuff hIm sAy reAched tOo… lUcky I Was nOt sO evil… I’m a nIce gaL!(quoted frM joAnna) I wAs laTe tOo laHz obviously… pOor lEo! N aLmost eVeryoNe eventually dUa(tRicked) hIm accordiNg tO hIm they onLi msG n told hIm they were nOt coming aT 1045pm… hAd been eaTin pRata cOntinUously for Lyke 3daYS manZ… tUrnin iNto praTa addict (cheese prAta)… *dRoOLs* bUt fuNni maN thE 6 oF uS could siT deRe n chat until 4aM… maybe cOz we HavEn mEt uP for sO lOng… I meant tHe guys… coZ thE gals r aLwaYz mEetiNg… *bonding* hahaZ… nOne oF them haD change!! deN dEre wAs tiS idIan maN wOrKin dEre wHo sEems tO have sOme “ aI meI gUan xI” wIf dEs” had a really weird wAtcH wiF tAt haD nO “hands” n yEt could tell thE tIme n hE refuse tO teach uS hOw tO rEad iT… sO seLfiSh... wiLl uPloAd thE pIc oF thE wAtch nXt tiMe coz thE no. oF pIc i uplOAd is fuLL... yesterday went tO work n auntie sally cOoked fried nOodLes for uS… sO for lUnch I sAved mOney.. hahaZ… sHe’s sO gOod maNz! enjoy wOrkin wiF her… bUt idiotic I could hAve left wOrk at 10 shArp bUt in thE enD hAd to dO shifTin sO tiring caRring aLL the cartons filled wif cLothes… n iT dragged oN till 11pM… deN I reached dW tO meet lAUra whO wAs aLreadi dW dEre wiF hEr Guy freNzs… wEnt zOuk finally fOr thE 1st tiMe afT it wAs renovated… bUt sadly oNLi mI n laUra went laHz… taT piggy last mIn dUn wAn gO… dUnnOe nOe waT happen ysTerdaE tOo onLi drunk 2 E33 n I wAs aLL dW … mAybe it’s bEcoZ oF not eating mY dinner wAs daMn hUngry before I went dw LAhz bUt lazy tO gO bUy food n nOt being a gOOd dRInkEr!! mUz train at Home lYke Ps freNZ… hAhaz… drink a lot aT hOme n sAy waT iT wAs tO train hImselF for future bUsiNEss entertainment(yIng choU)… hAhaz… lAme sHit! cAnt rEaLly remember waT happen ySterdAe lAhz bUt at least I goT hOme tHx tO lAura frEnz… dRunk infROnt oF someone I dunnOe… sO throw fAce LAhz… dUnnOe waT unsIghtLy stuFfs I did AlSO… aI yaH.. bUt whO cares iT’s oVer aNIwaY I caN’t remember aLso… hahAz… mUz mAke sUre next cLubbIng sEctiOn it wOnt happen again!! aHh!!! lOst My fAv dIaMond earring… dunnOe wHEre izZit!!! So SaDDENiNG LaHZ Tat’S My favourite One… HoPE I CaN FInD it… *pRAyS hArd* hAviN a lAst mIn family gathering tis weekend… cHalet aT dwtOwn eAsT!!! *hIppy hOOray* bUt I Have tO work laHz… dAmn… bUt I will rush dOwn nO matter waT… it’S sO naN de cAn… tAta… tIs pOst verI lOng maN hOpe readers(if dEre iS) dUn fall asleep n drool n sPoiL ur oWn cOM arHZ! chiLL* wEatHerforecasT- raining heavily nOw!!! bRiNg umbrella oUt....

Bunny tang Y 10:12 PM

Thursday, October 20, 2005

TErribLe lesSon leArnt

maDe a daMn terribLe miStaKe aT worK toDae!! dAmn unlucky lAhz… F@#*!!! aUntie sally wAnted mI tO taLLy cAsh tODae n pAssEd mI hEr keys tO oPen tHe dRawer n wHEn I wAs abT tO cOunt thE mOney tiS fLock oF ppLe came duNNoe frOm where maKe until I sO bUSy n tIs 3 bLoody guys keeping dsruPtin mI toKin nonsENse tO mI lahz… deN afT thE crowd finally disperse I counted thE cash n wanted tO lOck BaCk thE drawer when I found thE kEYs wAs gone… *panics* dAMn heLL!!! deN I aSKed wHEthEr thAEy took thE keys n they aLL shook their hEad… I pRacticaLLy turned thE pLace upside dW to find it laHz… cOz tHE main thing iS taT the mAin gAte keY was together wIF it… deN aUNtie sally wAs sO fierce aT tAt tIMe *shivers* deN taT doRis sAy waT change thE lOck Of thE keY nEed thousands oF dollar.. I aLmoSt faint lAhZ… sO scared cAN… *teMbLing wIf tears* bUt lUcky NV cRY!! sO throw face… I keEp telling mYselF cannot cRy coZ will smudge My Make-uP… aHAha.. *vanity* bUt I forgot oNe thing mY makeup is wAterproof…iN thE enD they sTaRted consoling MI dEn I really feel lYke cRYing lAhz… they sCold mI tAt tIme I dUn feel so Bad loRz… weird! aunty sALLy eVen oFfered tO pAy foR mI… sO touched!! I woRk tHere fOr onLi a mTh n thEy treat mI reaLLy well… *grINz* BuT I wont Let hEr pAy laHz deN they sAY spilt aMOng some of them bUt i will paY them oN sAt… $180!!! hEartacHE!! *sObs* But nVm I leArnt a lesson nOt to BE sO careless… next mUz deal wiF uncle henRy… hE still dUnnOe LAhz… hOpe he wOnt scold mi!!! *dreAmiN* hAiz!!! taT’s aLL fOr nOW!! zOUk reopen tomoLo!!! dUnnOe caN find ppLe tO gO nOt… sIanz!!

Bunny tang Y 10:12 PM

Wednesday, October 19, 2005


tHe chAlet I wAs waITin foR caMe n eNded sOo fAst…*sOb* enjoyed mYsELf alot… I wAs sO dumb tAt I took tHe wROng bUS laHZ.. lyKe traveled tHe whoLe oF siNgapOrejUz to geT dEre… sO dumb!! I duNnOE hOW I caN take bUS deN gO until bisHAn deN from bIShan I tooK train to city hall n chaNge tO pAsir riS… change tHe buS guide n u wiLL nOe iT’s a DAMN long jOurnEy.. But nVm I gOt dEre still… *pHew* deN waS starving n tAt tuPid Wc sAY will bRIng aLL those things nEeded tO start thE fire n it tHe END! He brought nOne!! *sTruggLEs hIm* bUt lAter hE ,made uP bY walking Out tO bUy it… deN uSed sO mUch energy tO start tHe tuPId fire… dEN we sTArted bBq-Ing… whHeee!! I atE hell lOt of food laHz… I tiNk I aTe thE mOSt deRe caN… alAmaK… I wAs eating nOn stop!!! We eVen bBq-ed tOasT wiF butter n hOney… hAHaz… tAt wAs NannAn idea! deN wHEn aLL tHe boys left lOUis came… wAs bOred n got nTh tO dO sO we started pLayin pOker cArd… lOser hAd tO drink a cUP oF water… n hE cheated iN oNe round oF taI dEe lAhz hId a cArd iN hIS sHOrts n after I finish drinking thE water deN hE tELL mI!! WAt thE heLL!! felt lYke those POW getting FOrCed tO drink gAllOns oF water deN they cOme step mY StoMAch deN THRow up those kInd… idiotic gaL!! sTill sAy waT tIS cAn tEacH mi tO be mOre aLerT… *gRr* aFt taT iRIs jOined Us n we started tO pLay mOney cOz I caN’t drink aNimOre… deN he decided tO leave aT 3aM tO lOok fOr hIs frEnz at 7eLeven somewhere… n taT “gaL” didn’t DaRe walk oUt hImsELf laHz sCRae geT rape I tInk… still NeeD a group oF gals to eScoT hiM oUt… ai yOz…. bUt we onLi send hIm half wAy… deN we went bAck tO thE chalet n pLAyed lyke cRazy laHZ… took PIc n diD aLL sort OF aH sIAoz things… especially chIEw Ling.... caN’t sTAnd heR laHZ… eVErytIme I lOok at thE video n pIcs In mY pHone I lAugh lyKe CraZy… sHE’s sUch a jOker… *to chIew: kEep a distance from mY dear!! I hAte mIckey Mouse n yOga Pants!! *BLeaHz* afT craPpin n acTing lyKE bUnch oF fools we dEcideD to trY oUr lUck n gO catch tHE sunrise… cool view!!! bUt we took a LOnG time tO fIguRe oUt wHich direction wAs eAst… ahAHa… aFt taT chieW wHo wAs dYing to g to thE pLaygroUnd sINce sHE came finally could gO pLAy till Her hearts cONtenT… cOZ I tOld hEr waT dUcky said tHAt nIght time we could Not Play at thE pLAygrd coZ ghost will be dere… n when finally shE could gO when dawn break she still asK mI “r thE ghosts GoNE??” *faints* aHAHa… afT aLL thE nOnseNse we went back to thE chalet tO sLeeP fOr aN hOur before checking Out…wAs lyKe a zOmbie at tHat tIme.. eXtremeLy exhausted!! eVEn overslept oN tHe bUs until aNg Mo kIo… *lOSt kId* deN mY bLOody phone died oN mI wHen I neeDed iT thE mOst laHz… *bangs* WaNted call mY auntie fetch mI bUt in tHe enD haD to dRag mYself aLL thE waY hOme! tAt’s aLL… nIteZ… tired aFt woRkin today tOo…

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xI nu ai le
Image hosted by sUnriSe at tHE beaCh
Image hosted by aUntie IRis
Image hosted by Photobucket.comiriS and mI at bbQ
Image hosted by eLene, irIs n aTTentiOn seeKer cHIews
^I love 1b07^

Bunny tang Y 9:57 PM

Sunday, October 16, 2005

i NeEd lEg theraPy

aHh!!! mY leGs aRe gOd daMn achIng lYke craZy…. sUpEr tIriNg ySterday… sLepT foR onLi 3hRs n woKe uP aT 6AM(haven wOke uP taT early fOr a long time) tO go For taT tuPid training aT taKa fOr mY jOb… LucKy it Was cOunTed aS working hOurs... saT dEre fOr 2 hRs n I gOt $12… hEe… bUt whO iN thE right mInd will gO to tAka aT 7.50AM eXpect foR those ppLe wORking deRe,,, taT’s thE first time I see OrchArd shopping centre sO qUiet… aFt tHe training iT waS 10Am n Ps haD to rUsh Back tO giO cOz she waS woRkin mOrniNg sHifT n I waS afternoon shift(1.30pM) sO I went dEre wiF her tO roT dEre till mY sign iN time… mY main pUrpOse waS to gO dEre n sLeeP! aHAha… dUN waN wasted tIme gOing hOme sLeeP for 1hR deN gO work… sO went str8 dEre tO sLeep… sLepT fOR 2hRs deN waS awaken bY thE bLAstiNg aIr coN N My hand waS pAralyZeD!!! iT waS nUmB tO tHe core I couldn’t feel aNithIng n the Air coN aLmost bLew mI away sO freaking cold… n I could gEt back to sLeeP tHus I went tO 7 elEven n brought a mAgaziNe… waS reading wHen uncle n caLyNn came… went tO 7E wIF caLynn n I brought twO boxes oF pOcky… aTe 2 bOxeS within half n HR… sTaRted working n stood fOr tHe whOle dAy waS cashier toDae I made sOme kInd oF mistake n thE drawer was short of $1.70 whIch means I haD to pAy it mYseLf lucky it’s NoT $100 I will jUZ faint… wHen I took oVer mInkai wAs aGain sHortaGe was 30cents a total oF $2… dUnnOe waT’s wrong yesterday… 1sT time shortage maNz… wHen cLOsin I wanted tO pAy thE $2 bUt uncle didn’t waNna take deN he sAY “xia bU weI Li”… hEe.. sO Nice!
left wOrk at 10.30PM though lEgs wAs aLreadI aching I still went cLubbIng aT liquid rOOm… eVery sOng wAs lyKe dance halfway deN mY leG waS aching… so iRritatIn!! tiNk I haVe to accept thE fact taT I’m getting oLd n weak… bOohOo!! maybe iT’s jUZ lack of exercise… deN took cAb from orchard tO lIquiD n meT a gOodO caB driver dUnnOe whether he aCT oNe oR waT… saY didn’t nOe How tO gO n waS turning round n round until thE fare deN waS $8 thE usual is $4 lOrz… fUckIng dOUbLE caN!!! dAmn hIm!! reached deN n aNothEr bLOw thE queue waS fReaKin lOngGG…. lUckY laUra came n saVE mI asK mI go tO the ladies queue wAs sOMe ladies queuing infROnt of mI didn’t nOe n when I got iN they wEre sTiLL qUeuiNg… lALAla!! aFT cLubbIng tHey wanted tO draw mOneY I teLL u wE worked a gOddaM 1hR before finding thE tuPid aTm… waS dw oN lUck went to UE square n tHe gUArd saY thE machine waS dw asK uS gO liAng court… wHen we gOt dEre thE whoLe building waS cLOse deN we walk to cLArke queY n waLK walk walk until we finally saW a whoLe stretch oF aTm… lYke in tHE dEsert deN u sEe an oAsis… couldN’t walk aLL tHe waY bAck liAOz dUn tiNk I wILL survive sO mI dUck n lAura decided tO take caB back UE to lOok foR jOs, pS n mIn to pAss them $$ n collect oUr bAgs tO gO hOme….reaCHed hOme sWeet hOme finally n wasHed mY face n feLL oN to thE bed iNtO deep coma.. until nOw 4pM… hands aching aFt aLL the tYping… toMoLo goin tO 1B07 chaLet sO excited… dUn mIsS mI guys… tAta…

Bunny tang Y 9:56 PM

Thursday, October 13, 2005


fuLL diE mI!!! faT diE mI!!! aTe sO maNi… wENt oUt wiF fatTy(endE) toDae… 1sT sTop tO kbOx…atE thE luNch sEt dEre n sung till oUr hEarts content mAnz… lALalala… dEn went tO pLay dOta… I iMpROved tRemEndoUSly, I mANagEd tO kill hIm oNce… hAhahaz… n hE killed mI cOuntlEss time… bUt nVm I’M saTisfiEd! deN it’S dinner tIme! wAs faN-iNg oVer waT to eaT deN taT pIg wanted to eaT buffet… hOw sinful! sO we went to oRchaRd 1sT deN vIsiTed dUcky aT sUrf bAbe foR some SugGestiOns… we walk walk deN dEcidEd tO eaT thE bUffet nEar thE soMerset MRt… thE One which wE aLWayz geT thE bRochUre… tiNk it’s called NOMOTO yakiniku?! duNnoe aLso… bUt thE ppLE working inside aLL MIC siA… can’T understand eNgLIsh oNe… tOugh communication…. tiS the lOgo I guEss tIs Pic is thE wrapper oF it’S chopstick ...i aTe 4 sCooPS oF iCe creAm maNz… lEt u guys eNvy mI hEre’s a pEek aT tHe pIcs I took DerE.. hEe…

tiImage hosted by faTty wOOn teck! hiS juz goNNa kiLL mI! hEe...

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Image hosted by taT's the pLace
Image hosted by iCecReam!!!
Image hosted by sCary eAters

dEn taT faTTy still cAN gO bUy cool pAsSion miX pudding n dRink laHz… cannot sTAnd!!! “enDe: uR size u can’t Make iT! lAlaala… 12Mths liAoz leHz… hEe…” decided to wait foR dUcky to gO hOme together… meT laUra tOo shE sAid shE waNted tO adoPt raBBits… yEah! aNothEr rabbit lOvEr!! *cheers* sO tired aLreadi!! *fRUstraTed tOkin tO soMe1 tOo.. *hUmP* nItez…

Bunny tang Y 8:18 PM

Monday, October 10, 2005


toDae ofF dAe wAs pLAnnIn tO gO seNtosA wiF jU oNe… bUt iN thE enD I sLept till 1pLus… aHaha… wOKe uP n mY mAid cooked “sHeng mIan” for lUnch… afT taT sTarted waTchiN tv… dEn aT 5pM went to OrchaRd wIf JU tO sHop… wAs waLkin oUt n sAw 3 cUte sQuirrels oN a tRee.. tAt wAs thE 1sT time I sAw sO maNi tOgetHer in sIngaPore… n iT’s iN thE wIld… so diffireNt fROm tHosE u sEe In zOo… rEachEd oRchArd n wEnt tO paRagon…dEn wAlked oVer tO taka n got mY faV bubble tEa frOn cool passion, dRUnk bLack fOrest… sO nIce… mUz tRy iF u lYke chocolate!!! *sLurp* walked arD n went tO tAngs n I bRought twO LingErie… hAhaz… sAw a tOp aT paPerdoLL, still cOnsidEring whether tO bUy Not…. wAnted bUy clothes n sHoes bUt couldn’t find waT I wAnted… half oF mY oNe week paY aLmost gO within a wEek… biG sPendEr!! gottA bE mOre thrifty n sAve mOney tO take bIke license… tiNk mY next paY gOnna sPEnd oN cLothes,sHoE,cLubbIng n mY hair… hAHaz… caN’t wait fOr zOuk tO reopen… *Yeah* dEn walk over tO fAr east n wEnt iNtO a sHop n we sPend aN aMazingLy 1hR pLus inside trying oUt onLi oNe skirt we sPEnd mOst oF the time cHattin tO thE twO person working iNside… I wanted to trY thE skirt But jU eNded uP bUyin iT… ahAha… thE 2 oF them worKin inside were sO cUte toK lYke aS if We wEre freNz… oNe wAs call eLizabeTh n thE oTher One called yOung mUm… hAhaz… tAt young mUm onLi 20 n got a dAughtEr 2yRs oLd n nOw pregnant aGain… wOw!! Unbelievable!!! shE lOoked sO sLim tOo… aFteR chatting wiF tHEm I Was sTraVing sO wEnt tO eaT dInnEr… weNT pEppEr LuncH N AtE StEAk n bUr ger meal

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halF eatEn alReadi...

dAmn Nice cAn!!! *yUmmy* will gO back aGain… I tiNk it’S quite cReativE tO sErve tHe fOOd tAt Way… spLurging aGain… eVen tReaTEd Ju sInce sHe’s aLwaYz treating mI… I’m a NICE gaL!! hEh! On tHe wAy back oN thE train mI n jU were happily leANin on tHe dOOr oN the train which shLdnt oPen… deN suDdenLy wHere thE train wAs actually mOving tHe dOOr sLide oPen abIt n I jumped aWay frM thE door.. so sCary lAhz… waT if mY hand waS at tHE opening?? *iMgaInes* tInk will geT clamp dEre MAnz… mUz sUe thE train company lAhz… sO dANgeroUs… waT if thE door fully OpeNs n someoNe falls oFf… *eE

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tat's the door

dEn waLKed hOme n saW a cUte gingko aT thE rOAdSIde.. looks a bIt lyKe sNAke bUt I tiNk lOOks quite cUte… tooK a hard time to capture It.. ruNnin sO fAst! goNna waKie aT 10 toMoLo foR woRk… sO tiNk I better gO sLeeP… good nItEz!

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taTs thE giNko!

=iT's my dEaresT CousIn sAm sAm b-dAe toDae! HapPi bIrtHdae!!!=

Bunny tang Y 8:06 PM

Sunday, October 09, 2005

worKin lifE

toDae is half mOrnIng shift uNtiL 2 onLi… wOke uP abIt laTe n rEachEd oN thE dOt aGAin… diE maNz!!!
dOrissAy oNe mOre time sHe’s gOnnA gIve mI “love letter” aKa wArNing lEttEr … oH No!! aFt wOrk wEnt tO mEet faTty tEO woOn teCk(endE)!!! tOOk bUs no8 n thE jOurnEy wAs vErI lOng MAnz bUt I didn’t nOtice until I sTarted tO count bAck… I wAs eaTin bRead from bReadtaLk on tHe bUs n deN after eaTin fell aSleeP… eEk!!! sLeep afT eating I’m turning into a pIg! cannot fiT into 24 aNimOre.. *hUrhUr* aHahA…deN he aSK mI gO pLay dotA n sAy wiLL tEach mI… *hUmP* bUt iN the eNd toOk advantage oF a nEwbIe!!! killed MI… PIG! hAhaz… bUt oK laHZ wAs quite fUn tHough…
I tinK I’M quite good aLreadi!!! fast learner K??! hEe… *gRInz* lALalA… aFt tAt thE pIg wanted tO gO eaT sO I sAy aNithIng lOrz sEe hE sO hUNgry cannot sAy nO MAhz… *iNNocent LOoK* wAs gOin to pAsta mAnia dEN someone gave us a lEaflet oF café cartel sO we ended uP dEre… enjOyed mY snAcker pLatter!! *DrooLs* tomoLo is oFf dAe!! wonder wAt I cAn dO??? hMm…
nExt week sCheduLe sUper full maNz… aLL have tO dO cLOsing! I hAte cLOsiNg!!! coZ mUz mOp n vAccum fLoor… I’m a pAmpEred child!! *whines* hEe… I rather dO mOrniNg lAhz… wEd stiLL hAve to gO over j8 tiNk coZ they got nOt enough ppLe… unfamiliar pLace… *sCareD* will bE sO dAMn bored bUt lUcky it’S onLi oNE dAe… hope tHe ppLE dEre r NicE… *pRaYs* thUrsDae mAybe gOin k-bOx wiF faTty n trying to find mOre ppLe... *lOoks fORward* shall eNd hEre…
B-Y-E! chiLL!!

Bunny tang Y 12:20 AM


wHee!!! I mUz reLAx afT wOrk n iT's tHe wEekenD hOw caN i Juz gO homE sTr8 aFt wOrk... sO nO lIfe!!! aHaha... hAven seEn a mOvie foR quite some tiMe… sO weNt oUt wiF FeL n kAt ySterdAe to caTch a mOVie n aTe dInner... thEy rented a cAr foR a weeK sO thEy caMe n pIck mI frM wOrk n wE weNt tO ciNe leisUre... paRtLy beCauSe oF mi We mIsSed 10Mins Of the sHow... dAmn... cLosEd laTe n hAd tO lEarn tO dO tHe cLOsing acCt n i Was dAmn sLow mAn... WeNt to pHin's tO eAt tHE sTreak wAs sUperB...*yUmmY* aFt dInNer wE weNt to waTch tHe mOviE ... bOth tHe mAin cAst wAs daMn cooL cAn!!! thE waY thEy dIvE n pAul wAlker’s eYe wAs sO meSmEriZing... *zAps* n jEssica aLba’S fIGure wAs whOo hOo!!! whOoLAla... bUt i tInk wOn’t dAre to dive especiaLLy aFt wAtching tHe sHow... coZ oF thOse fIShes n SHARKS iN thE wAter... eEkk!!! sO groSs… wHen tHE sHArk attaCked thOse ppLe... n nOw i'M wAtchin SCV anImaL pLAnet abT ShARKS... *pEtriFied* aLthoUgh they aRe bLind bUt their eYes still lOOk sOo sCary… afT tHe sHow went to lOok fOR jU n hEr frenz(chOy) aT long jOhn’s sLiver n I aTe again… faT dIe mI!! aTE sO mANi things ysTerdae… also sAw keLLy pAn jIa li aT thE toilet iN cIne sHe looks quite pLain jaNE without hEr makeup… bUt still quIte p;retTy…. *tHinKin* I aTe 2 sAndwIChes at 11aM, aTe fried noodles n bUbbLe teA fOr lUnch at 5pm, aTe 2 eGg tarts on tHe cAr oN thE wAy to orchard, streak at pHin at 11.30pM, fRies n prawns at 2.30aM aT lOng jOhn…. wAh!! gOsh! N I haven bEen eXercISing… sO sInfuL!!! hAhaz… gOnnA work mOrnin shift tomoLo sO muZ sLeep early… lOokin forward to tHe chalet maNz… jUz caN’t wait…*excited* nItez readers!!!

Bunny tang Y 12:11 AM

Tuesday, October 04, 2005

gaLs nIte OuT

sAt wAs oFf dAe sO gOt tO pLay for thE whoLe daE... waNted tO gO to thE bUnny eVent aT yoUth paRk... But waSnt iN tiMe sO nO chOice enDed uP sHopPing!!! waLked arD orChard wIF jU deN weNt to coFfee cLub to resT n aTe mUdpIe wIf iCe berRy teA.. enJoymEnt!!! tOtaLLy taI-taI's life... ahahaAz... aFt taT weNt to mEt jOanna,jOs n sI mIn firsT before tHe resT jOined uS at heaRtlaNd... n we heaDed dw to seraNgoOn gardeN... weNt to eaT aT iCe3... FONDUE!!! *yUmmY* afT taT theY weNt oVer tO the praTa sHop oUtside mY hSe whiLe i went HOme tO pacK mY baGs n wAit foR thEm to fiNish eaTing n coME ovEr tO waLk ovEr to jOanNa's hSe for staYoVer... HAhaZ... wOnderfuL gaLs' nIte!! we gaLS tOk tiLL dAy bReak*cOnteNt ceNSored* n mI,pS,jo n yA weNt tO seNtosa aT 7AM... sO freaKing tiRed... feLt lYke a zoMbie... haD to wOrk at 1pM sOmemore tiLL cLOsing caN... i wAs faIntin At wOrk haD to staNd thE whoLe dae... n iT wAs the laSt daE oF thE saLEs n a sUndaE!!! FM dAe!! So BuSY... onLi enDed woRk at 1130Pm afT pUttiN uP the New seaSons' stoCk n cHannge tHe modeL's cLothes... weNt hOme aTe twO pacKEts oF nOodLe n sLept lYke a pIg tiLL 4pM... hAHaz... waT a pIg's lIfe!! lUcky wAs oFf daE toDae... othErwisE i duN tiNk i couLd suRvivE... bUt i guEss tAt's waT we caN dO whEn we r stiLL yoUng n fiLLed whEn eNergY... hAhaz... pS saYs weD gO cLubbin hOpefuLLy nO chAnges is mAde... heE... taTa... phOtos oF the daY uploAded to friendsTEr's pHoto aLbUms!!!

Bunny tang Y 12:10 AM


Bunny tang.
Date de naissance-4th May.

I have crossed the Big 2 and fears entering 3
The corporate world bores me, now i long to go back to sch
Have been working at the Singapore Flyer for 3yrs but a new chapter awaits me
Loving & being loved by my dearest boy
We have crossed our 3yrs mark baby, thats a record n i want it to go on and on
Easily satisfied with SWEET stuffs & a full tummy. U know what to do. Bye ♥

Trash it out

Cousin Samsam-thedonkey
Ming Zhen-thepromoter
dajie FeLFeL-thehiPpo
aCg Jojo-thespoiltbrat
Tee Jun-thedude
cOusin Emerlyn-thedevotedchristian
aCg Simin-thedarlingstar
aCg Peishan-theMummyLi


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