aH cHoo
dAmn... gOt a terriBle coLd nOw *aHhchOo* froM dUnnOe whU... hOw irrItatIng! haVe beeN gettIng siCk verI freqUentLy since skooL sTarted... mAybe it's due tO sTRess caUSing mI to hV lOW inMune sYstEm... i nEed mOre biRdnesT... aHAhaz... *imaGInes riCh taI taI's liFe* sTats teSt tomoLo goT fRee tutIon froM kaT jUz nOw bUt stiLL dUnnOe wheTher i cAn coPe wIf tHe teSt... aRgH!!! n i jUz fiNished waTching dVd "i aM sAm"... iT's a vEri tOucHing sHow maNz... abt tIs mAn whOse wiFe rAn oFf aFt giving bIrth to a baBy n lEaving thE maN to taKE caRe of thE baBy... bUt unfortunEly he'S actuaLLy doWn-syndrome n onLI haS an inteLLectures skiLL waS onLi equivAlent to a sEven yr oLd kId n dUe to oNe miShaPPening his dAughter wAs taKen aWay from hIm n pUt intO a hOme for adOptiOn as theY tiNK he couLd not taKe caRe of her... afT sOme tupid incideNt verI heaRtwaRming, toUching n fuNNy shOw... *wAtch iT ppLe* ... wEnt shOppin wiF iRis tOdae aFt skooL at TM n i brOught a taRgus(dUnNoe how speLL) earRIn, a naRveL rINg n a eaRrin fOr sOmebOdy frOm cRaftz... spENd aLmost $50 bUcks mAnz... *spLurge* deN weNt hOMe pUt dw mY stufF n weNt to aMk bbtEa hSe for diNner whEN I Juz Ate a paCket oF nOodLes aT hOme... waS So fuLL i feLt lYke pUking... tiNk i betTer go reviSe mOre oF my stAts... n dUn reaLLi haVe moOD to bLOg cOz the coLd is maKin mI sOo sLeepy n WORST it'S raInin nOw n thE weaTher's sOo coLd....
*aHh cHoO* bYe!!! *sNIff*
Bunny tang Y 2:34 AM