Wednesday, November 30, 2005

aH cHoo

dAmn... gOt a terriBle coLd nOw *aHhchOo* froM dUnnOe whU... hOw irrItatIng! haVe beeN gettIng siCk verI freqUentLy since skooL sTarted... mAybe it's due tO sTRess caUSing mI to hV lOW inMune sYstEm... i nEed mOre biRdnesT... aHAhaz... *imaGInes riCh taI taI's liFe* sTats teSt tomoLo goT fRee tutIon froM kaT jUz nOw bUt stiLL dUnnOe wheTher i cAn coPe wIf tHe teSt... aRgH!!! n i jUz fiNished waTching dVd "i aM sAm"... iT's a vEri tOucHing sHow maNz... abt tIs mAn whOse wiFe rAn oFf aFt giving bIrth to a baBy n lEaving thE maN to taKE caRe of thE baBy... bUt unfortunEly he'S actuaLLy doWn-syndrome n onLI haS an inteLLectures skiLL waS onLi equivAlent to a sEven yr oLd kId n dUe to oNe miShaPPening his dAughter wAs taKen aWay from hIm n pUt intO a hOme for adOptiOn as theY tiNK he couLd not taKe caRe of her... afT sOme tupid incideNt verI heaRtwaRming, toUching n fuNNy shOw... *wAtch iT ppLe* ... wEnt shOppin wiF iRis tOdae aFt skooL at TM n i brOught a taRgus(dUnNoe how speLL) earRIn, a naRveL rINg n a eaRrin fOr sOmebOdy frOm cRaftz... spENd aLmost $50 bUcks mAnz... *spLurge* deN weNt hOMe pUt dw mY stufF n weNt to aMk bbtEa hSe for diNner whEN I Juz Ate a paCket oF nOodLes aT hOme... waS So fuLL i feLt lYke pUking... tiNk i betTer go reviSe mOre oF my stAts... n dUn reaLLi haVe moOD to bLOg cOz the coLd is maKin mI sOo sLeepy n WORST it'S raInin nOw n thE weaTher's sOo coLd....

*aHh cHoO* bYe!!! *sNIff*

Bunny tang Y 2:34 AM

Monday, November 28, 2005

bOy oH boy!!

wEnt tO skoOL as usuaLLy tOdAe n hAd borin ecOn lEc n POM lEc+tUt... sO siCkening.. ahAhaZ... cHiews wAs lUcky toDay coZ LinNet foRgot tO asK uS to pResenT the neWspAper articLe whIch sHe waS suPPose tO dO fOr oUr grP... hahaZ... wAs lOokin for ppLe tO gO sHoPpin foR Mi laHz... deN asKed iris dEn sHe lYke sWay HEre n dEre tiNkin wheTher tO go oR not... deN i msGed jOs n asked Her iF she waNNa gO wiF mI n shE saId sHe wAs gonnA meet sImIn deN laTer... hAHaz... so finaLLy i foUnd sOmeoNe... deN i went to tHe bUs stOp wiF iriS n iChigO afT leSson n iRis deciDed nOt tO gO... sO i toOk bUs 69 wiF iChigo tO tampInes statiOn... onLi whEn i reacH thE traIn staTion dEn i recEived iRis mSg taT sHe regRetted Not goIn wIF mI coZ sHe suddEnLy feLt lyKe sHopPin... hahaZ... aBIt sLow laHZ u iris! deN wHen i waS reaCHin oRchard i caLL jOs n *waT thE heLL* shE toLd mI sHe n mIn waLKin to pLaza sIng aLreadi... nv eveN caLL n teLL mi lAhz... haIZ... deN enDed uP i went faR east aLone tO get mY skIrt n i sAw kEnnY *bENgx* hahaZ... diDnt sEe hIm aT fiRst coZ he's toO sMALL to Be sEen... ahHAaz... DO NOT CALL MI LIANZ!! rEd haIr ≠ to lIAnz k?! weNt to geT tHe skIrt n found taT it couLd bE cuStoMize... hEe.... even hAppIer... i chOse thE skirT coLor n leNgth deN he aLtered n i choOSe the bAdges for it... deN he sAid i stiLL ahve oNe thIng for u to dO deN i was lYke "waT dun asK mi to arranGE thebaDges K??! deN he sAid yEs! waH i'M daMn bad iN desIgniNg cAn! sO i asKed hIm to arraNge it iNsteaD... hahaz,,, n i waited dEre wAs broWsing thE tEes n foUnd taT some weRe nOt bAd shaLL go bAck nExt tiMe... n thEy haD the nIke liMited edi sHoe whiCh i wanted to bUy bUt thEy onLi got oNe siZe whIcH waS daMN bIg!!! aRGh! mUz faster gO heReen fInd... cOz i sAw iT deRe 1sT... hOpe they haVe got sIzeS... deN oNe of thE maN in the shOp eVen oFfered mI a drink*sUgarcaNe* n sAid it wAs on thE hSe cOz i brought from thEm... hahaZ... so weIrd laHz... i dIdnt taKe it thOugh... *shY laHZ* kEke... finaLLy it wAs dOne...
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tAda... i lOve it!

aFt tAt weNt oVer to pS to mEet jOs n sImiN n wE waLked aRd sPotlIght cOz mIn wAnna bUy a hanger to maKe a perSonaLize oNe for viNsin*dunnOe how speLl* hahaZ... bUt the haNger theY seLL waS for bAby cLOthes so it wAs extremeLy smaLL lahz... wOnder hOw tO haNg aduLt cLotHes... deN went to eaT ajisEn... OiisHi~ hahaZ... n taUght sImiN a jAP sentencE mUz remEmbEr to saY to Him aRHz.. keKe... deN weNt maRks n spencer tO coZ mIn waNna bUy chocolAte n it temptEd mI n jO tO bUy tOo... n i brought tHe dUtch shOrtcaKe...verI niCe cAN... aLL tiMe faV...
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deN wHen we weRe waLkin to tHe traIn stAtion sAw jUstus n he gaVe a kInd of attituDe faCe... wtH! we weNT to the tRain sTAtiOn n wAs mAd taKin pIc...hahaZ... actuaLLy it waSnt mI it waN mIn lAhz... tAke taKe take! cOrruPted My phOne maNz... kEke...
Image hosted by jOs n mIn in tHe traIn
Image hosted by mIn n hEr so caLLed "pearLy whIte teeTh"
Image hosted by aCting coOL.. waHAha...
Image hosted by mY turN... hEe...

tAt's aLL... tata...

Bunny tang Y 11:49 PM


finaLLy wEnt cLubbin oN sAT(26/11) at liquId rOom wiF sImin,jOs,dUcky,fuLing,lAura.. iT wAs dArn fUn... toO bAd For pS coZ she dIDnt wanTed to gO... tIs is tHE 1sT goOD exPErieNce i gOt in lIq... beCoz aLwaYz i gO dEre it'S aLwayz kInda BorEd unLike YEsterdAe... wEnt to ciNe n mEt thEm str8 aFt woRk n wE hEaded dEre... n guEss wAt i sAw 3 ppLe taT's frM tP wHich i tinK i sEe tHem in tHe sAMe lec as mI be4 n oNe of thEm is mOusEy... he wAs huGgin a dRUnk gaL maNz...*hMm... cLubbIng iS thE onLi wAy i cAN lOse weight nOw coZ daNcing iS the onLi exErcise i dO nOw!! dAmn geTTin faT.. n doRis toLd mi tAt eVeryoNe tAt woRKs aT gIordano wiLL geT faTter insTEad of sLimming dW... waT thE heLL!! coZ shE sAys we wiLL teNd to eaT mOre.. n *thInkIn* i agreE!! aRGh!! aFt cLubbIng mI,yA n jOs wEnt to eaT suPper(praTa).. aLL effoRts LOst! *gRr... leGs hAving mUscLe aChe nOw n i sTand thE whOle daE toDae coZ hAd to work.. stiLL gOnna dO mY eCons n POM tUt aFt bLoggiN... *eXhaUsted* wOndEr hOW lOng i cAn take wOrkiN n sTudyin lIfe... chrIStmaS tRee iN mY hSe is finaLLy oUt from thE stORe rM thX to mY mAid... n i bRought thE lIghtnIngs foR thE trEe at toA paYoh ySterdae... 1sT tiMe i haggLe for pRices mAnz... i'm bEcoMin an aUntiE! hEh=D* n i manaGed to sAve $2... hahaZ... it'S suppOSe to bE $19 pEr bOX buT in tHE enD shE chArged $18...
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aT liqUid rM... mi n sImin pOuty...

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dUcky n Jos

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dUcky n fuLing

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sUpper aT praTA sHop... jOsepHine n sHi ya

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mAggie gOreNg! *yUmmY*

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mi aT hoME aft cLubbIng

aT woRk toDae mEt a wEird uncLe... foR thE whOle i tiNk 1/2hR in tHe stoRe he kEeps tOkin cRap to mI n caLLin oUt mY nAme lOudLy to asK mi to sErve him laHz... tHen mY coLLegues wEre lYke hOw diD hE nOe uR nAme?? fiRstLy i wAs stAndin besiDe hIm paCkin dEn i sAw hIm soRt of looKin aT mI sO i sAid "yEs cAn i heLp u??" dEn hE went u wORkin or shOppin??" coZ my tuPid coMpaNy wAnted uS tO be Live modELs foR the fRee traveLLin n slIng bAg taT wiLL bE gIven aWay if u sPend uP to$120 sO we hAd to cArry thE sLing BAgs whiLe woRkIng*daMn craPPy* cOZin sO manI cUstoMErs tO thInk taT we r shoPPer n nOt woRkin dEre... dEn he sAiD ai yaH yYy u hIde uR naMe tAg? wHEn it'S pIn on top oF mY shIrt... (-.-!!) taT's whEn he sAw mY naMe n kEpt caLLing mI... dEN hE said tO mI "wAh i lYke ur pUnky hairstyLe u sURe hAve lOtsa of bf..." dEn i'm lyKe "no i dO not HV oNe" dEn HE sAid "wAh dEn i wiLL introduCe u a hanDsome bOy hE's suRe to lYke u bLah bLah bLAh" *wasNt paYin atteNtiON"

dEn i gOt hIm a coRduroy pAnts oF hiS siZe since hE sAid He wAs loOkin foR oNE.. n it wAs a str8 fiT n lOOk kiNda lyKe tHe oNe hIs wEariN.. dEn wHEn he toOk thE paNts n he sAid " waH sO baGgy aRHz i dUn wAnna fiT a chicken iNside i tiNk i cAN pUt a cHicken insiDe" thEn he sAid he wAnted thE sAme cUt as thE one hIs wEAring n appArentLy thE both is tHe sAme it"S jUz taT thE onE hIs wearing is size 32 n i got hIm 34 cOz thE oNe hIS wearing cAn't evEn be bUttOned uP n hE waS uSing a beLt to hoLd it cAn... mY gaWd!! dEn hE waNted to trY n i leAd hIm to thE fittIng rOOm bUt unfOrtuneLy for mI he waS fuLL n hE insIsted i sTand dEre n toK to hIm whiLe he waits... hE tiNk hIs thE onLi cuStoMEr In thE shOp laHZ... wTf! buT evErytiMe i sEe cuStOmers iN nEed i wiLL stiLL waLk awAy lAhz not taT tUpid to stAnd dEre n cRap wiF hIm... dEn whEn oNe fitting rOOm wAs empTy i heLped hIm pUsh thE fittIn roOm dOor n hE sAid u nOt cOmin iN wiF mI?? WTF laHz.. dEn i saId NO, of coZ nOt! n hiS dAughter wAs dEre lAhz... iRritatiNg! aFt he triEd tHE pAnts dEn he finaLLy beLieved taT the cutting wAs tHe siZe As hIm...

aFt tAt hIs daugher wEnt to trY on clOthes tOo n i wAs stAndin aT the foLdin tabLe den he toK to mI abt diAlect, wAt skooL,age.. asK sO mAni questiOns... dEn afT taT sAid i wAs yoUng mUz coNcertraTe oN mY studies dUn loOk for boYs.. *thINkiN in mY mInd* wHo wAs the oNe wHo waNted TO intro a gUy to mI in da 1sT pLace... *sIaoz* kEeps tELLin Mi mUz stUdy hArd mAke it TO unI... *for a spiLt sec he reMinds Mi oF my uncLe* wHAhaha... n hE cLaims tO be a dOc n sTudied iN auS uni n eVen hIs dAughTer wAs frOm syDney unI wHich i tiNk i beLieve coZ her dAughter dIdnt denY n sHE seeMs quite nOrmaL unlIke her dAd... he finaLLy lefT the sTore bUyin onLi for his dAughtEr n nOt foR himseLf n sAid he got no$$ oNe... *nUisAnce* eVen mY coLLegues thOt he wAs crAzy coZ he waS waLkin tO diFf sectiOns in the shoP n eVery seCtiOn got someoNe serving n hE wouLd toK craP tO thEm... lUcky i wAs onLi reLieF j8 dun wAnna sEe hIm aGain!! tInk tAt's alL haVe to chIong mY tut aLreadi... aLso gOt bUsineSs sTAt tEst oN wed n hAs to get mY pReparation for shOw n teLL for jaP leSson ready bY thUrs... *stReSs* lAstLy mY graNdfather is hOme from hospitaL.. hOoray!

Bunny tang Y 12:50 AM

Friday, November 25, 2005


bOreDOm cAuses dEpreSsion!!! i'M boRed to dA maX aLthoUght i nOe i hAve lOsta thIngs to be doNe wiF whIch are aLL hOmeworks... hAiz.. jUz caN't gEt mYseLf tO sTudy... i tInk i hAve to reLease alL the sTreSs 1sT bEfore i caN reaLLi sTArt woRkin oN mY hOmewoRks... bUt thE pRob Is eVeryoNe seEms tO be sO bUsy dUnnOe wiF waT aLSo... nOt evEn cOntacTing eaCh othEr n iT's friDae n i'M rottiNg aT hOme... dUn tiNk i shLd eVen bOther contactIn them cOZ in the enD thEy wiLL aLwaYz nOt bE fRee.. .so i sHaLL jUz waiT for thEm to cOntaCt mI sOmedAe ... wOnder wHen?? *aRgh* iRritaTIn!! nEwspAper aRticle oN mOn, sTAts tEst oN wEds, show n teLl prePartIon duE on thUrs, hAve to cAtch up wiF my MBS n POM n alSo sTart wiF aLL the pRojectS... stiLL haVe to woRk oN saT n sUn... tiNk i wiLL jUz quIt mY jOb afT thE 3mtHs coNtact thinG... dun reaLLi waNNa quIt But i dUn tiNk i caN jUgglE botH woRk n sTudy as i'M nOt a reaLLy sMArt sTudenT... i juz dunnOe hOw i couLd coMe tIs faR to poLy*foR mi iT"s verI far aLreadi* ... i guess iT's gOd'd bLessiNg... *pRaise tHe Lord* jUz hOpe he wiLL coNtiNue tO bLesS mI mY whoLe lIfe! hEe... aBit gReedY... nOw mY onLi wiSh is tAt graNd faTher wiLL faSter recOver... he waS admItted tO the hspitaL on weDs n diD a stoMach scoPe ySterdaY n thE doC sAid it's stoMach ucler... jUz hOpe it wiLL go aWay bY thE heLp oF medIcatiOn oTherwiSe hE wiLL haVe tO go for oPeratIon... sIgH!! *pRayz hArd* mAy goD bLess eVeryOne!!!

"iT's wUsHu aKA xIuyU's birtHdae- haPpi birtHdaE gaL! lAo le yi sHui.. hEh!!-"

Bunny tang Y 7:47 PM

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

lOSing coNtrOL

cUrreNtly aT thE hospital bLoggIng wiF my lapPy… lUcky I brought it hEre… graNdfaTher sick mAn hOpe he will recover sOOn! *pRays* hAve been hEre for 4hRs… sO sLow lAhz still haven admit hIm to thE ward yEt… waT a lOusy system… haiZ… aFter hUge resPoNses fRom mY freNz fOr mI to hV a taG boArd n taT thE blOg in fRienDster wAs sO lOusy I dEcideD to Set uP a bLog in bLOggEr… *cheer eVeryoNE* hahAz… seTTin it uP waS nOt easy mAnz… sO troublesome… I hAd to copy n pAste aLL mY entries from tHe fRiendsTer coZ I didn’t wAn mY New bLog tO look bLanK… sPent aLmost 3 daEs… gosh!! nO tiMe aLSo hAd to work n sTUdy… *stress* shLd I quIt iN deC?? *pOndErs verI hard* lYke thE woRkin eNvirOnment n eVErythIng it’S jUz taT I dUn tiNk I caN cope wiF mY sTudIes sInce I’m nOt such a smart student… hOw I cAN maKE it tO poLy I seriously dUnnOE… mAybe it’S goD! AhaHa!!! energy aLL drained by work n skooL… tiS seMesTer tEachers suX mOre deN last sEm… goD I tiNk thE onLi nOrmaL oNe is mY ecOns teacher… tHe teacher I hAte mOSt is sTats!! DaMn hEr!!! sHorTy! 20 nOv wAs pS b-dAe n wE sUrpriSed hEr at sWensOn dUriNg Our woRk’s break time… I eVen told doRis oN friDae whether she could aLLowed uS tO gO bReak together… bRought hEr a sUpEr hOt mni sKirt n maKe uP kit… hOw thoughtful of US!!! lAlalz…. really hope caN go cluBBin tiS friDae to release sOme sTreSs!!! aRgh!!! goD sAve mI!!! toDae wasn’t really pAyiN attention iN lEcture laHz… coZ tAt lEctuRer sUx sO mUch kEep “chAo xia-iNg” n sHoutiN at US… I Need kItty kAt’s help… hEe… *wink*

Bunny tang Y 10:48 PM

Friday, November 18, 2005

weeK repOrt

chIews wAs sO biAs shE broUght flOWers for soMe of thEm n Not foR mi… *hMph* still caN take pIcs wiF mY phone! WtH!! hAhaz… deN during LEctuRe tis week wasn’t really pAyin attention maNz… wAs pLayin in cLAss More laHz, takIn pIc… hahaZ.. diE mAnz! hAve tO catch uP wiF the lEctures fast or I’m gOnna fail mY exams… hAd aSked kitty fOr help….

Image hosted by hUa chI cHiews

Image hosted by zI bi kId

Image hosted by ActiOn miN feI

waS woRkin ySterdaE n thE first tIme I sAw a thief… tAt tupid woman stole oNe oF oUr $35 pAnts, uncle sAid he wAs 95% sUre laHz but iN the enD we didn’t point hEr oUr n shE goT away payin $70 for 3 pants… wTh… daMn hEr… sHe looks in hEr twenties onLi n hAd a masTercaRd… shLd bE quite well oFf waT dUn understand yYy sHE mUz do sUch a tHing… dUnnOe waT ppLe r tHinkin nOw adAyz!!! IZzit for fUn or satisfaction oF nOt getting caught?? I dUnnoe… mUZ go study psychology… tHen uncle came bLame oN uS sAy coz we weak staffs… hAiz… nth to Say lOrx…. N we eVEn tried confronting hEr asKin for tHat pIece which wAs mISsin n sHE kept changing stories n didn’t eVen sHow any sIght oF feaR… cOncLusiOn: aN oLd bird! bUt we still let hEr oFf … hOpe shE gets cAught oNe dae n lEarn hEr lesson… bLoody!
waS waiting fOr jaP lEssoN in skooL todAe wif sArah n sAw iRis wIf a guY * raise eYebRow*… hmmM.. hahaZ… OpPs... aFt tAt took bUs n traIn wiF peihUa coz she’s goIn hOme n it’s oN thE way aLSo saW jaMaL aT tHe bUs interchange… he sAy was gOin to watch haRry pOtter… hahaZ… I thOt he would jUz buY the dvd n watch at hOme lAhz... I wEnt tO haVe a hair cut n hIghlIghted mY hair at REDS todaE(19 nov’05)!! sO haPPi… sPend a totaL of $105 oN it… lYke the haircut bUt thE highlight wasn’t really good… n guess waT I actually hIghtLighted bLAck… hoW iRonic! HAHAz… n nOt verI obvious lahz… wanted pUrpLe bUt when I heard the stylist saY it will fade to PINK I freak oUt n sAy NO! hahaZ… I’m nOt a Pink lOver… in fact I sort of dislike pInk… went off tO meet FeL whO haD a haircut tOo… mUch mOre style finally… ahahaZ… at hEr hair cuT we went to sUshi-teh for dInnEr n I to watch harrY potter n tHe goblet Of fIre todAe wiF laUra n shIya while they went to sUntec to catch thE same show… we wEre sittiN in tHe 2nd rOW from thE front thUs thE sOund effect waS deafening…. Quite nIcE bUt I wAs toO tired I tiNk tat I feLL asleep at a boRing pArt for 2mIns n sHiya woke mI uP bUt in tHe enD she dozed oFf at tHe mOst interesting pArt lAhz.... thE pArt at thE graveyard battle the dArk lOrd… hahaZ… afT mOvie FeL n they aLL came tO ciNe from suntec to lOok for mi n wE went to pHin’s steakhouse n ate aGain… so nIce…. Ate snacks onLi lyke wedGes. grilled calamari n I drank sTrawberry shortcake milkshake! Oishi ne~ hAhaz…practicing mY jaP… taKin it for cDs n had attended 2 lEssons… it’S fUn! I lOve it… goTTa go sLeep have to wOrk tomoLo n goNNa surprise darling Ps for hEr b-daE toMoLo(dare write cOz she dun read mY bLog)… hahaZ…. Kk… sayOnara~ *neru*

Image hosted by dinEr aT sUshi teH

Image hosted by chIcken little

Image hosted by nEw haIR cut

Image hosted by FeL FeL's nEw haircut

Bunny tang Y 10:23 PM

Monday, November 14, 2005

mOndae bLues

Confession: didn’t gO for lecture on thUrs coZ I oovErsLept… coZ went tO zoUk n wAs toO tired… bUt at least I mAde an effort to crawl dw tO skooL for jAp tuT… deN friDae really fell sIck so mISsed aRk-count n jAp lEcture… dAmn…
TOdae wEnt to skooL as usuaLLy… nO lOnger sIck! wheE…kiNda boring coZ hAd to stArt wiF pRojecTs, form grPs… bLAh blAh blah… tiNk oUr cLass aLwayZ have probs forming grPs laHz… dunnOe waT Kc n vAn gonNa dO… sEe them lYke sO pOor thing… geT oUtcasT… I Got mY group aLreadi wiF my strawberry bUt taT tUpid xtRa chIew butt In… Grr… I hAte yOga pAnts!! Ahaha… poor dAppie have to settle so mani things for thE cLass cOz shE’s oUr cLAss reP… *jIa yOu gaL… u cAn do it!* break time: went to uLtra supplies(forgot the neW nAme… goT STM) to PriNt nOtes, took dAmn Long MaNz… lefT IriS aLone iNsiDe n sHE caME oUt grumbling aFT taT… hahaZ… sOrri lOrz… hEe… wanted tO eaT at thE new food court in thE ITAS sch todAe bUt could fInd space… dun cAre tomoLo goIn wiF pS tO eaT deRe.. hEe… so went oVer to mEnsa n aTe Jap food(tEriyaki bEef sEt…) *yUmmY* instead… been oNe mTh pLus sInce I ate in skooL… aFt taT go bOokshOp bUy bOoks… quite exp mAn $70+ for twO suB txT… sOmemOre hAd to carry iT aROund dAmn heavy… waT a bUrden!!
deN wEnt for POM tut… oUr tutor is really taT teacher wHich I didn’t qUite lyKe… bUt she reminds mI of yAmuna… ahahaZ… I dUnnOe Yyy…bUt duN worry I do nOt dislike yaMuna… shE sUch an aSs… sHe bans cAp n sPageti straps dUrIn hEr lesson… Have to “baO ba zHAng” laHz… *reminds mI of dUcky* onLi she nOes yyy… kEeke… den tAt iRis “buaH ta haN” hEr maNz keep doin silly things… ai Yox! *shake hEad* take things(uncapped eYeliner) from tHe fLoor n uSe oN thE eyE… gOodnEss gracious!! eYes lEhz mY dear! sEe lAhz nOw infection… dEn wAs terribly cOnscious aBt hErselF bEcoz sHe wore hEr specs to SkooL… dUnnOe wat’S wrong wif Her lAhz… wAs facing thE teacher when sHE waS pResenTin tHe POM for thE cLAss todAe n she was bLoody nErvoUs I tiNk.. coZ hEr hands wEre so cold when shE came bAck to The sIt… reLax~ jUZ nOrmaL pResentin to tHe cLAss mUz hAve “jaMal sPirit”… *griNz* aFt lesson went tO eNgineerin skooL to collect mY jAp book bUt in thE enD it’S still nOt hEre when they sAid will be dEre LaSt friDae laHz… bLufF mI! *hMpH* sAid toMoLo cOnfiRm hv if dUn hV I’m gOin bUrn thE rOom mAnz… mUhaha… *evil laughter* getting sLeepy I tiNk… better go sLeep… tomoLo aft skoOl still muz work… *sIgh* everyone will be dEre coz hAve to stock take thE whoLe store… 7 ppLe dOin cLosin mAnz… cool! sayonara!

Bunny tang Y 10:21 PM

Tuesday, November 08, 2005

mADneSs rush

wOke uP tHe earLiest sInce tHE hoLidae starTed tOdaE at
6.45Am… I literally dragged mYseLf oUt of bEd… sO daMn tired… went tO sIng K wiF jU n kIttY dEn went tO “ta baO” fOOd tO kitty hSe tO eaT where I sAw

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n bObo(doG)…
freAkin cUte lAhz… bUbu wAs a quite fIerCe bUt wAs sO cute… jUz lOok aT it … bObo wAs kiNda timid mAybe it hAd bAd experiences iN thE pAst… it Was a LosT dog… iSNt it aDorabLe?? dEn walked from kItty hSe tO mY hSe bRIng bObo aLong… I guEss iT hAs been a lOng time sInce sHE exercise.. shE wAs paNtiN super hArd wHen sHe reached My hSe… hId hEr iN mY rOOm… hahaZ… I feLL asLeeP at 3aM… When I woke Up tHey hAd oBviOusLy gone hOme… haHaz… deN dragged Myself to skooL.. aFT lecture iRis, sArah n mI went tO eaT lOng jOhn n wanted tO catch a mOvie But deN waS nO nIce shows aT aLL… in thE enD we walked away tM n decided tO gO to coffee bEan foR a siT aS tM waS super bOring !! dEn wAs nTh to dO… n we lEft cOffee bEan at 2 wHen I headed dW to work… I wAs so daMn tired taT I fell asleep oN thE traIn n thought tAt I mIssed MY sTop n went dw aT aljUnied… afT I went dW deN I realize taT tHere wAs still 4 mOre sTops… sO dUmB caN! deN went tO work n wAs YAwNIng aLL the tIme… dEn i mEt tiS bLOody nasty cUstomEr… sO unreasonable… lUcky I didn’t hAd to deal wIF hEr.. bUt hEr attitude sUx tO thE core sO wAs hEr frenZ…. sHe sAy taT the tOp which shE bROught foR onLi $8 dUriNg thE saLE decolorized n sAy taT thE whoLe pail oF water tUrned green*obviously lying I wiLL tell u yYy behind* when sHe washed iT n thE part under hEr aRmpir actually fade into smaLL ugly faDed patches… sO waT caN we sAy cUstoMers r aLwaYz right sO we lEt hEr choose waT shE wanted n shE went tO the $8 coRner n wantEd tHe same pattern wiF light color deN I tOLd hEr taT thE design waS sold oUt expect foR white in XL… deN sHe waS maD screaMin sAid shE lYKe taT design n waNTed taT… I tiNk shE dun understand waT’s thE meaNin oF sold oUt lahZ… aS if sold oUt is mY fault kInd… *kNocks at hEr hollow head* hArLo! tiS is a SALE auntie… waT dO u xpEct… den wE tOLd Her tO choose oThEr cLOthes the mOst shE toP uP thE balance wHIch sHE obviously refused… dEn hEr bLOody freNz came aLong.. *bIRds Of thE same feather fLOck together maNz* n bArkEd at mI “ tiS is nOt thE 1sT time u nOe? It hAppened tO mI tOo u better go tELL
urmAnagEmeNt oR aLL uRcustomers will rUn away… uSing cheap dyE… bLah bLah… waT cOuld I saY! bUt tiS is thE 1st cUstoMer foR thE pAst oNe mth taT I haD been woRkin complain abT tiS pRob… n sHe demanded fOr refund… bUt iT’s a rule taT we dO nOt refund cash! N I tiNk iT pIssed taT stingy woman oFf obviously… shE n hEr $8… bLoody… deN I shouted foR uncle henrY… hahaZ… eVen hE couldn’t refund hEr mOney obviously… sO aLL we could dO is recommend Her aNI $8 toP we hAve As she refused tO tOp uP anI mOney… iN thE enD shE left wiF the $8 coRe crew sHirt .. n wAs guMbLing nOn-stop… she cAn Juz gO ahead n complain cOz it’S nOt eVEn oUr fault.. still sAY waT shE will nV bUy frOm oUr sales aGAin… bUt aS if shE will bE willingly tO bUy regular priced item wHich will definitely have sIZes… *StIngy pOker* EeeYer… deN aft shE lEft uncle told mI taT it wasn’t thE dyE pRobLem… thE faded pArt waS cAuse bY hEr overLy strong deodorant which will cause thE color tO fade… ahAha… dEn I went to cHEck thE shirt it wAs true aLL the faded part wAs under thE arM… conclusion: iT’s tAt freaKin woman whO obviously haD a biG problem.. bOdy odor!! wahahaZ… suffer Her rite! *bLeaHZ… I aSked uncle yYy hE didn’t aRgue wif Her n hE sAid shE waS obviously unreasonable sO waT cAn we dO n hE waS tOo bUsy tO care aBt aLL these… tuPid woman! I bLess those woRkin iN the sErviCe industry hoPefuLLy nV tO sErve hEr!!! hEe….luCKy toMoLo’s lesson iS aT 3pm cAn sLeEp abIt later… n finally goIn tO zOuk tomoLo… tATa!!

Bunny tang Y 10:16 PM

Sunday, November 06, 2005

eYe mOnsTEr attAck

mY eYes waS finaLLy getting bEttEr aFt 4Days… wAs sO paranoid mAnz.. coZ I hAd Nv gotten aNithIng lYke tAt for tHe pAst 17Yrs nOt eVen sORe eYEs… oR eYes infection till the extent tAt I hAd to consult a doC… *pHew* finaLLy it hAs recovered.. bUt it coZ mI to take 2 dAys mC from work… hAiz.. eVen hAd to wEar sUngLAsseS when I wAs gOIn to HAppi dAze in sErangOOn gaRden aT nIght… I tiNk ppLe mUz bE tInkin tAt’s I wAs either sIaoz, aCtin cool or bLind… hAhaz… lUcky it’S better toDae otherwise dUnnOe hoW aM I gOnna gO tO skooL tomoLo… aRgh! lUcky 1sT week onLi nEed gO for lEctUres n cDs… hAve to gO cLub tHese weekend oTherwiSe wOnt have thE time aNimOre.. skooL will eventually geT mOre bUsy week aFt week… aS tEst n eXams wiLL start to pOp up… *dreadfully* toKin aBt skoOl hAve tO sLeep early n wake uP early tO squeeze wiF aLL those ppLe taKin thE bUs… hAte tAt! eEeyEr… goIn tO mEet kAt n jU tomoLo aFt skooL for k-bOx.. yEah! nOt too bAd aFt aLL aT least I goT sOmethIng tO look forward foR afT lesson… n I maybe able tO mEet mY jInx! hAhaz… *dreAmin… lAlala… taKin jAp foR cDs.. wHeE!! wanted tO learn a nEw laNuage LAhz foR quite sOme tIme aLreadi… finally thE time hAs cOme! hEe… nItez… gOtta sLeep oR I will bE dozing oFf in thE lecture…. goTta sEe mY mAddoGs n ppLe from 1B07 tomoLo tOo… yEah!

Bunny tang Y 10:15 PM

Friday, November 04, 2005

cLubbIng weeK

zOuk wAs frEakiN pAck oN wEd dUnnOe yYy aLsO.. .sO chaotic! thE queue wAs spiraling rOund n round I dUn even NOe whEre’S tHE queue mAn… went tO china bLAcK instead wIf lAUra, viCky, pS, fUliNg, jOs n hEr sIstEr n Her sISter’s gUy… thE queue wAs nOt As lOng as zOuk’s oNe though… dEn taT careless pS actually lOSt hEr pHone oN thE caB… we wEre maD caLLin n mSgiNg thE pHonE aS it still have diaLLin tone… until finally thE bLoody caB driver pIcked uP… n sAid hE wAs verI faR aWay from oRchaRd aT bUkit dUnnOe where n insisted taT he will onLi return tHE phone iF we pAy hIm $20 foR thE dIStaNCe traveled… wTh~ stupid yellow tOp cAb!! aLthOugh $20 is nOt a bIg aMt bUt I tiNk he shLdnt dO taT laHz… wanted tO lodge a comPlain bUt pS n lIng would lEt mI… guess they r jUz tOo bEnEvoLenT … haiZ… china bLAck quite weird thE mUsic at thE start waS quite Nice deN till tHE middle it sUx… until wHen thE ppLe aLL leaves deN thE mUsIc beCame dAmn nIce… dUnnOe wAt’s wrong! hahAz… tomOLo hAve to gO work… bOriNg! N skooL is sTartiN oN mONdae… bOOhOo!!! bUt I goT japAnese for mY cDs… whEe!! I got swollen eyes… duNNoe waT happen… feels lYke I got pUnch bY someone… maybe mY sIs pUnch Mi whEn I’m asleep… hahaZ… deN mY sIS sAy I mUz have pEek aT someone bAth.. waT rubbish mAnz… goTta work tomoLo still… mAybe gOin tO cLub aLSo… sO nEed to hAve lOts oF rest… bYe!

Bunny tang Y 10:14 PM


Bunny tang.
Date de naissance-4th May.

I have crossed the Big 2 and fears entering 3
The corporate world bores me, now i long to go back to sch
Have been working at the Singapore Flyer for 3yrs but a new chapter awaits me
Loving & being loved by my dearest boy
We have crossed our 3yrs mark baby, thats a record n i want it to go on and on
Easily satisfied with SWEET stuffs & a full tummy. U know what to do. Bye ♥

Trash it out

Cousin Samsam-thedonkey
Ming Zhen-thepromoter
dajie FeLFeL-thehiPpo
aCg Jojo-thespoiltbrat
Tee Jun-thedude
cOusin Emerlyn-thedevotedchristian
aCg Simin-thedarlingstar
aCg Peishan-theMummyLi


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