Sunday, December 25, 2005
suPer dUper tiRed... thE nUmber oF hoUrs i sLept for tis wHoLe weeKs is onLi arD 15 hrS... mY gOOdneSs! tUrNin inTo a zOmbie...aLL exaMS fauLt... bUt whO caRes it's tiMe to enjoY nOw...aFt eXam on friDae wHich ended at 1oAM i weNt foR a waLk wif chIew n tM n we weNt to tHE toYs departmeNt to sLack n i sAw a sWeetie... she's sO cUte!! jUz lYke mI.. *bLeahz* bUt taT eviL cHiews waS buLLyin her aLL the tiMe untiL shE whIned at hEr... ha!
weNt to zouk wIf daPpie,mZ,pS n jOs... weNt to mEet pS at oRchArd firsT to Buy pReseNts n it wAs sUper paCked bEcoZ of dA mIdnite shOppiN... so iRritatIn lahZ... getTin pUshed aRd... weNt to eaT diNner at coFfee cLuB(laSagna n hOt chOcolaTe) verI fuLL maNz... deN weNt oVer to tHe taXi stAnd for mZ n dAp to pIck uS uP cOZ thEy tooK a caB dw froM dappIes's hSe... teRribLe trAffic jaM at oRchArd... got a cLEar viEw of waT daP n MZ waS wEaring aft gettIng dw the Cab... dap lOoked lYke a riCh taI-taI n mZ seXy bLack lady... HaHAz... goT tO zouk tOo earLy i guESS N it wAs practicaLLy emPty... we wEnt to tHe hoteL to hAve a sit n staRted zHi-liAnin... n aft tat we deciDed to go geT our dRInk firSt... *or-lenG jUi maKes dAp n mZ hIgh* hEe!! deN waIted for jOs tO Arrive befoRe proceEdin to tHe dance fLoor... bUt wAt a diSappOintmEnt!!! tHe sOnG totaLLy sUx untiL 1.30aM, bUt daP n mz hAd lEft earLier becOz thEy waNNa go miDnite sHoPpin... sEe!!! cOncLusiOn: taI taIs... haIz... *shAkes heAd* hEe... sAw aLex deRe tOo bUt onLi see hIm 3tiMEs n he dIsaPPeared... hahAz... tOo short to bE seeN i guEss!! lAlalaz... lefT earLier at 2.50aM COz i hv tO waKe uP at 8 for wOrk n went to tHe pratA sHop acroSs tHe rOad for a dRInk... 2 CUpS of bArley!!! nIce, coolin n Sweet!!!
mI n sWEetie...
mY yUmMy diNner
mI n ps... AngeLs in whIte.. hEe!
mZ n mI... cutIes
tHe 2 tai taIs
mI n nUggeT... *muAckie
-----They aLL lOves mI-----
mErrY mErrY chRIstmas~
todae is oFficiaLLy cHrisTmas...*cheEr eVEryboDy* chrisTmas eVe waS faBulOus... aLtHough stiLL exHausted... leGs achinG badLy... weNt to worK at 8am wiF onLi 4 hrs of sLeep, knOck ofF at 7.15pM N WEnt to coLLect tHe lOg caKe wHich i oRdered iN thE moRning before worK n waited fOr aH yi tO come fetch Mi frOm toA paYoh hOme... eVeriOne waS deRe xpect sAm n emErlyn... thEy were bUsy spRayin tHe decOs for tHe wiNdow... it waS reaLLi nIce thX to FeL's effOrt aS she was tHe one wHo cUt aLL the naMe stenciLs... aFt tAt we aTe a suMptuoUs dinner althoUgh the turKey waS mIa coZ dUnNoe waNna order frOm whEre.. bUt at leaSt got lOg caKe thx To mI...HEe... waS sO bLoated i felt lYke pUkin den i asK FeL wHetHEr we couLd xcHanGe gIft earLier cOz i wanted tO go cLub aT liq rM... lUcky shE wasNt anGry... deN we exChanGed gIft... it wAs sO fUn! i waNted tO wait den 26deC before OpenIn mY preZzies bUt tHey lyKe aLL so aNxiOus so i deciDed tO opeN onLi taT preZzies... tHe one i picKed is frm sTeph... n sHe wraPPed herseLf iNsiDe... hahaZ... u wiLL nOe yYy laTer... den lefT hOMe at 1145pM n deRe waS no mOre traIn sO aH yi fetCh mI dw aLL the waY to lIq rM... sO goOD maNz... reaChed lIq rm at 12.30 am coZ we were soRt of loSt haLf waY... not as mUch ppLe as i expEct... weNt wiF fuLing,sHi ya,jOs,lAura,vIcky,sImin n her gUy(viNsin)... buT dunnOe yYy waS bLoodY dW on lUck ysterdAe maNZ... 1sT jOs clotHes dUUno waT got sTruck tO mY nAval ring n sHe tUck it deN i sHouted at hEr to nOt to mOve n broKe taT i dUnnoe waT thIng wfrM my rng... bUt it tHe paIn was eXcrUciatIn.. aLmosT faInt caN bUt of cOz diDnt... went to toiLet tO clean n it wAs bLeedIn maNz... but stiLL maNaged to survive... haHaz... *toUgH* deN tiS fUcKin basTArd bY accideNt buRn mI wiF hIs ciGarette oN mY baCk... waH daMn hIm maNz... buT stiLL it wAs quIte fun! goiN mOs tO sEe see One daY... pAst bY ysTerdaY n tHe quEue wAs freaKin LONG.... mAdnEss!! sLept At 5aM n wOkeuP at 8aM for work aGain... worked tiLL 1.30pM n hEre i aM.. goNna bUy maddoGs prezzies lAter n mEet theM at espLanade aT 11.30pM laTer...
coOl n fUnky dOOr
i'M da bEst!
JsqUare... jU n heR guY(jaCkie)
l liVe dA eaT!
yYy hAsnt sAnta bOy come to pUt preSents in mY stocKIngs =(
tHe lUcky winner oF mY prezZies-Kat aka kittY-
xcHangE gift i got frM stePh... it's a pig head flOor maT... cUte! hAppI lala...
Bunny tang Y 5:33 PM