Saturday, January 28, 2006
gOng xI goNg xI!
whOo hOo... hAppi chInesE new yEar! it's a festivaL taT we kIds lOok foRward tO and marRied aduLts frEt aBt... coZ thEy are goNna bUrn thEir pOckets wiF aLL the aNGpOws to be giVen aWay.... haHaaz... aLL i haTe aBt nEw yr is tHe sOngs! buT sO mUch fOod to gorge!! Fat dIE mI! tiMe to reLAx n gambLe... afT whIch wHen skooL sTArts i wouLd haVe to pRepare fOr finaL exAms aLreadi... sO sTReSs! haIz... finaLLy dId mY lasT miN neW yr shOppIn yEsterdaE at BUgis... aLmost goT kiLLed bY "ppLe mOuntaiN ppLe sEa" ... i guess eVeryoNe is lYke mi... hEe... broUght a levIs jEans n a cuTie sweeTie girLy drEss at thE icOns*neW bUgis shoPpin ceNtre* ... juZ thEse 2 i sPend aLmost $200.... n jU broUght mI part oF my b-dAe pRezzie... it's caLLed sNacker! i lOve it...
aFt taT aTe saKae wif Ju... deN meT sUga waNted to caTch a mOvie buT in thE eNd we decIded to gO to MOS! thE pLace waS awesome... so bIg! i'M sUre to gEt lOst dEre... deN weNt hOme and sLept at 4.30aM... wOKe uP at 7.30aM foR woRk... daMn tiRed! bUt toDae's mY lasT daE... kInda sAd tO leAve coZ theY treAt mI reaLLi weLL... bUt oN 2nd thot evErythIng woNt be tHe saMe eVen if i sTAyed oN... caLynn is aLso qUittin, uncLE transfEred to Pearl centRe, MIC goIn ovEr to TYP4... aFT worK wEnt to eaT swEnsoN wiF wiLLie(i goT ur nAMe riTe) n weNt hOme toGethEr... chaTted on tHe jOUrnEy... nOt so ah bEng aFt aLL! hAhaz... haPPi riTe? lyKe hEh~ leT's baCk tracK to lasT weeK ...
wEnt to sUga's chAlet foR 3daYs 2 nitE... it wAs lYke a nUa-iNg chaLet... hahaZ... deN oN thE firsT nIte wHEn i haPPen to lOok oUt of thE wiNdow i sUddenLy sAw a rabBit hOppin aROund... sO we went to rescUe it.. hahaZ... sUga decIded to baTh it n i fEd it corN... it was sUperLy taMe... we wEre haVin hEadacHes decIdin hOw to deaL wiF it... deN whEn we wantEd to gO lOok for a bOx foR it tiS mAn caMe n asKed if hIs rabBit is hEre... we weRe lYke shOcked hOw did hE eVEn KNew it waS wiF uS! hahaZ... freAky... aFt tHe whoLe chaLet tHere was stiLL lYke haLf of thE foOd we broUght dEre leFt... sO haVe to brIng aLL bAck to sUGa's hSe... daMn heaVy... toOk pIcs of feIsty... sO cuTe! lYke mi!
sHe lOves mY shOe!
i tiNk he lOoks lYke a pIg here!
waT a modeL
hanDs struck iN his fOot....sUga's torturin it..
finaLLy fiNished 2 presEntatiOns for tHE seMesTer... POM was foRmal presEntatiOn n aFT tAt we weRe mad taKIn pIcs cOz it wiLL be thE lasT tiMe we wiLL be dOin formaL presEntatiOn toGEther as 1B07.... sO saD! hEre r thE pIcs...
POM grOupies
tHE attituDes
mAddOgs... chIews the leaDer...
daUghter n mUmmi
gAY mInfei n weIcoNg
concLusion: mIn feI's the reaL gaY!
mUmmi bULLy the maId
esTher's guinEa piG's r sTayin oVEr at mY hSe dUring thE new Yr... thEy r reaL cUte!
xIao xuAn n xiAo chEw
xUAn xuAn n chEw chEw...
Tat's aLL... haPPi chInEse nEw YR ppLE!!! gOnG xi ya goNg xi... FA da cAi!!!
Bunny tang Y 8:41 PM