Saturday, January 28, 2006

gOng xI goNg xI!

"hAppi 19th bIrThdaE dAppie!"
aLthOught i nOe it's abIt laTe... mUz be enJoyin urseLf in jaPan!!
whOo hOo... hAppi chInesE new yEar! it's a festivaL taT we kIds lOok foRward tO and marRied aduLts frEt aBt... coZ thEy are goNna bUrn thEir pOckets wiF aLL the aNGpOws to be giVen aWay.... haHaaz... aLL i haTe aBt nEw yr is tHe sOngs! buT sO mUch fOod to gorge!! Fat dIE mI! tiMe to reLAx n gambLe... afT whIch wHen skooL sTArts i wouLd haVe to pRepare fOr finaL exAms aLreadi... sO sTReSs! haIz... finaLLy dId mY lasT miN neW yr shOppIn yEsterdaE at BUgis... aLmost goT kiLLed bY "ppLe mOuntaiN ppLe sEa" ... i guess eVeryoNe is lYke mi... hEe... broUght a levIs jEans n a cuTie sweeTie girLy drEss at thE icOns*neW bUgis shoPpin ceNtre* ... juZ thEse 2 i sPend aLmost $200.... n jU broUght mI part oF my b-dAe pRezzie... it's caLLed sNacker! i lOve it... Image hosting by Photobucket
aFt taT aTe saKae wif Ju... deN meT sUga waNted to caTch a mOvie buT in thE eNd we decIded to gO to MOS! thE pLace waS awesome... so bIg! i'M sUre to gEt lOst dEre... deN weNt hOme and sLept at 4.30aM... wOKe uP at 7.30aM foR woRk... daMn tiRed! bUt toDae's mY lasT daE... kInda sAd tO leAve coZ theY treAt mI reaLLi weLL... bUt oN 2nd thot evErythIng woNt be tHe saMe eVen if i sTAyed oN... caLynn is aLso qUittin, uncLE transfEred to Pearl centRe, MIC goIn ovEr to TYP4... aFT worK wEnt to eaT swEnsoN wiF wiLLie(i goT ur nAMe riTe) n weNt hOme toGethEr... chaTted on tHe jOUrnEy... nOt so ah bEng aFt aLL! hAhaz... haPPi riTe? lyKe hEh~ leT's baCk tracK to lasT weeK ...

wEnt to sUga's chAlet foR 3daYs 2 nitE... it wAs lYke a nUa-iNg chaLet... hahaZ... deN oN thE firsT nIte wHEn i haPPen to lOok oUt of thE wiNdow i sUddenLy sAw a rabBit hOppin aROund... sO we went to rescUe it.. hahaZ... sUga decIded to baTh it n i fEd it corN... it was sUperLy taMe... we wEre haVin hEadacHes decIdin hOw to deaL wiF it... deN whEn we wantEd to gO lOok for a bOx foR it tiS mAn caMe n asKed if hIs rabBit is hEre... we weRe lYke shOcked hOw did hE eVEn KNew it waS wiF uS! hahaZ... freAky... aFt tHe whoLe chaLet tHere was stiLL lYke haLf of thE foOd we broUght dEre leFt... sO haVe to brIng aLL bAck to sUGa's hSe... daMn heaVy... toOk pIcs of feIsty... sO cuTe! lYke mi!
Image hosting by Photobucket sHe lOves mY shOe!
Image hosting by Photobucket i tiNk he lOoks lYke a pIg here!
Image hosting by Photobucket waT a modeL
Image hosting by Photobucket hanDs struck iN his fOot....sUga's torturin it..

finaLLy fiNished 2 presEntatiOns for tHE seMesTer... POM was foRmal presEntatiOn n aFT tAt we weRe mad taKIn pIcs cOz it wiLL be thE lasT tiMe we wiLL be dOin formaL presEntatiOn toGEther as 1B07.... sO saD! hEre r thE pIcs...
Image hosting by Photobucket POM grOupies
Image hosting by Photobucket tHE attituDes
Image hosting by Photobucket mAddOgs... chIews the leaDer...
Image hosting by Photobucket daUghter n mUmmi
Image hosting by Photobucket gAY mInfei n weIcoNg
Image hosting by Photobucket concLusion: mIn feI's the reaL gaY!
Image hosting by Photobucket mUmmi bULLy the maId
esTher's guinEa piG's r sTayin oVEr at mY hSe dUring thE new Yr... thEy r reaL cUte!
Image hosting by Photobucket xIao xuAn n xiAo chEw
Image hosting by Photobucket xUAn xuAn n chEw chEw...

Tat's aLL... haPPi chInEse nEw YR ppLE!!! gOnG xi ya goNg xi... FA da cAi!!!

Bunny tang Y 8:41 PM

Friday, January 20, 2006

pRincEss in dA hsE!

wHEe! wAs stiLL feeLin sTreSsed uP yesTErdaE... bUt sOmehOW toDae i feLt beTter... dIDnt hAd lEssoNs oN weDs becOZ of oPen hSe stUff... sO i weNt foR faciaL wiF naNcy n irIs... aFt taT naN haD to leAve so mI n iRis deciDed to gO bugIS st for sHopPin... bUt as wE wEre aBt to leaVe raIn sTArted to poUr... heAviLy! hOW irrItatIng... n we wEre sTruck in tIs kUku shOppin ceNtre... n apParentLy dEre wAs nTh fOr us tO waLk aBt insIde... sO we sAt dW n thE bench n lISten to mUsic... wAh n jUz infRont of uS waS tiS massAgin sHop... caNNot sTAnd thOse gaLS oUtside... EeeYEr... n eveRy mAn waLk paSs thEy wiLL Ask "bOdy massGE, fuLL maSsagE"... lYke HEh~ hahaZ... mi n auNtie(iris) sAt dEre fOr ard haLf n hr deN we dEcidEd to waLk to sOmerset n taKE trAin to bUgis.... iN thE enD i bRoughT a coRset lOok aLike top.... n aUNtie broUght nth... n i haVe to coMmeNt taT auNtie haS veRi "uNique"taSte... aHAha... was suPpOse to gO on a mIssiOn n heLp kEmp fiNd hIs tuPid eArrIn bUt faiLed to fiNd it... hiS so tuPid lAhz whEn it wAs in fAshion n i sEe it eVerywHere dUN waNNa bUy nOw caNNot eVEn fiNd a sIngLe oNe...
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i feEL lYke a pRInceSs toDae! eVeryoNe treAted mI sOoo gOod... ahAHaz... waS suPpose to reach sKooL at 11aM to do MBS pROject bUt dUnnOe yYy i ovErsLEt... diDnt eVEn hEar thE aLarm n i woke uP at 11... goSh! sO sorri to mY grOup mEMbErs... tomoLo's preSentatiOn n i dUnNOe waT i aM goIn to pResent... so sCreWed! goIn to mEet earLy aGain tomoLo to do it... mI, darLin n aUntie dEcided to skiP lEctuRe n gO auntie hSe to dO tHe oNLine lEcture sO taT we cAn heLp eaCH othEr oUt in tHE quiz aft taT... hAHaz... dId mBs fIrst n i gOt fuLL maRKs thX to icHigo dArLing cOz shE diD it firSt... deN i Had to leave fOr work n i toLd thEm to teLL mI waT's thE sTAt qUiz lyKe afT thEy haVe doNe it... dEn i mSged Her aFt work n aSked hEr abt it... bUt mY darLing oNce aGAin wAs sO heLpfuL sHE done it fOr mi... *mUackz* dEn whEn wOrKin dUcky caME to tHe store to viSit mI! hEe... cOz sHE haPpened to bE at toA paYoh... sHe toO sUrpriSed mI bY bUyin mI sWeethEart frOm breAdtaLk! aWw! sO sWeet oF hEr! lOve Ya! hEe... got sOme conFlicts in store todAe n aLL cAused bY thE MIC... hOW sIckenIng! am sO gaLd taT i haVE teNDered... laSt dAe of serviCe wiLL be oN 28JaN.. bUt wiLL cErtaiNLy mIss uncLe hEnry n aUntie saLLy... caLynn teNdered tOo bUt hEr's is oNe mth notice sO hEr lAst dAe is 18Feb i tinK... eVEryoNes lEaving gIor! hOW sAd! wEnt fOr dInner wiF caLynn aFt work at mOs bUrGEr n sHe bRought mI iChigo Bliss!! hEe... sO haPpi... lalaZ... eVErybOdy lOves mI! hEe... recEived sO maNi bLessIngs todaE! n sHE wAs maD comPlaiNin to mI aBt taT tuPid MIc... dUnnoe waT's wrOng tAt mIc... haIz... fOrciNg eVEryoNe to lEave... kK... thAt's aLL... oyasUmi naSai...
Image hosted by sWeethEart...
Image hosted by Photobucket.comiChigO!

Bunny tang Y 12:30 AM

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

giDdy sPeLLs

heAd sPinnin n feeLing siCk aGain! reaLLi haVe to quIt mY jOb sOOn... evEryoNe's lYke repRimandIng mI fOR worKin... uncLe kiOn sAy i hV nO tiMe tO stuDy n mUm sAys evEr sInce i woRk sO dUn geT to sEe mi n bY thE faCt we dUn stAY togetHer maKes it woRst i tiNk... coZ evErytIme i reAch hOme she hAs goNe hOme, n i kEepin faLLin Sick, nOt eNOugh reST n caNt concenTraTe oN mY skooL woRk... n i gUEss iT's quIte trUe! hEe... bUt nO wOrk= nO exTra $$$... dun wAN aLwaYz geT $ frM dAd! sHy! hahaZ... noNonO! fiLiaL chiLd! yEaH... didNt gO to wOrK oN sUndAy cOZ reAch hOme at 7aM n aH yi n uncLE kiOn dIdnt aLLow mI to gO to woRk cOz thEy sAid i dUn Hv eNough reSt n i wAs haVin sLight feVEr... ah yI caLLed doRis n toOk oFf foR mi... aFter hAngiN uP thE pHone deN shE aSKed mI " taT's tHE cHEena arHz?" deN i tOld her yEs it wAs dOr... deN shE's lYke aI yaH shLdnt hAve sPoken suCh fLuenT engLIsh laTer she dun uNdersTAnd... hiLaroUs!

skiP POM todAe aS tHere wAs 3hrS breaK n we(chIEws, aUntie n ichIgo) dEcided tO giVe oUrseLves a breaK n sLAck aBit... weNt to waTch tIs terRibLe mOvie "heirLooM" wHIch waS nAmed tHe sCariest mOvie in taIWan i thInk... tiS aPPareNtLy i feLL asLeep foR 10mIns dUrin tHe sHow! hOW sCary cAn it bE... lYke HEh~ deN aUntie maDe a jOke oUt oF the mOvie.. coz iN the sHOw tiS gUy trIEd to make her gF mIScarraGE by puNchIng hEr tUmmy... n deN kiLLed hImseLf... bUt in tHE end thE baBy dIdnt diE... deN aUntie waS lYke mAybe her wOmb tOO thIck... LYKE HEH~ to the MAx caN... waLked pAss isetaN n i spEnt $40+ oN maKe uP aGain... cOz jU's gOin to hOngkOng toDae at 5aM... n briNgin mosT of tHe maKeup Wif hEr so i haD to bUy a seT oF mY owN to USe... deN weNt to pLay aracaDe(hse oF the dEad n tiMe crisIS n photo hUnt)... obvIOusLy aUntie wAs no heLp in pHoto hUnt cOz her eyesIght is faiLin... bUt yYy m i so unLUcky todAe kEep pAiriN uP wiF auNtie... *hMph... hahaZ... aUNtie mUz bE cuRsiN mI in HEr heArt nOw(lyKe *KNN* taT raBBit)... bUt auNtie u briNg lOtsa lAughtEr to uS lahz hUh?! at leAst u r Of usE! wAHahaz... kiDding! gOnna dO pOm prOject tomoLo, foLLowed bY jaP roLe pLay... sTReSs!! fRidaY is mOst haTed MBS preSentatIon... haIz... iRritatIn... PraYz taT we dO nOt hv tO waLk formaL... haTe it! CNY is arrivIn n i hAvent dOne mY sHoPpin... some mAni thIngs to dO yet sO littLe tiMe... lyKe dAppie sAy tHe futURe seeMs so vague! haIz... guEss taT's aLL...

Bunny tang Y 1:33 AM

Thursday, January 12, 2006


HAPPI BIRTHDAE mY deaR!!! 18 alreadI sOoo gOOd caN go taKe driVing n cLubbIng legaLLy... sOon it wiLL be mY tuRn... hEe... *lOve ya*> surPrisEd hEr n sHe waS sO toUched sHe shEd teArs... hahaZ...

hI i'm bAck agaIn!!! reaLLi kIndA bUsy n laZy to updAte aLreadi... lIfe's lyKe a blUr! i caN't reaLLi remEmber waT i haVe beeN dOin tiS feW weeKs... i tiNk coZ i'm tOo bUsy wif skOoL n worK stuff... jUz gOt bAck mY resuLts, kiNda saTisfied wIf it cOZ mY expEctatiOns r lOw a 60 is gOod enOugh fOr mI... i curreNtLy paSs 4 oUt of 5 subs... lAst oNe wouLd be mBs, tiNk wiLL be geTTin it tomoLo... prObabiLity oF pAssin is 10/100... hahaZ... *sOb*skooLs is mAdnEss... sO maNI prOjects dUe n beCoz oF hoLidae n skooL's oPen hSe sOMe lectUres are canceLLed n i wiLL haVe to go fOR makE up lessOns n cLAss tesT on a SATURDAE!! *bOOhOo* i hAte thE fasT sySteM... watChed eliZabeTh towN tHe oTher daE, orlaNdo bLooM sUpa cUTie... whoO!! dUnnOe it"s bEcoZ of sTReSs or waT eaT soOoo mUch maNz... haiZ... grOWing faT!!! ate 5 meaLs tAt dAe... leT's sEe... 1st meaL: breAd n miLo 2nD: riCe n siEw mAi 3rd: laKsa n barLey 4th: baKed pAsta n chOclate cakE wiF iCecreaM(staIrwaY to heaVen*nIce nAme rite? verI nIce tOo* dEn sUppEr at praTa sHop bUt waS fuLL diE onLi draNk waTEr... weNt to zOUk yEstersaE for shIya's oFficaLLy 18 party... hahaZ... we draNk appLe shOOters n lOng isLand... sHiya gOt a treAt from lAura's bF, flAmin lAmbOghini!!! n afT taT she n fuLing weNt craZy in tHe cLub... shaLLy Not mentiOn waT thEy diD... do not waNNa tarnIsh theiR repUtatIOns... hahaZ... i waSnt reaLLi drUnk bUt mY heaD was spinNin! n thE croWd waS bAd... *shaKe heaDs* MIcS!!! leFt wiF joS 1st...

oh yAh den hEre's a fuNni thIng taT haPPened iN giOrdaNo taT dae!! lUff dIE mi... tHe oTHer tiMe doris toLd uS tAT laST tIme shE serVEd tiS maD woMan wHen shE approAched hEr n asK "hi caN i heLp u?" tiS craZY woMan shOuted bacK at her "caN u SAY u do nOt hv to heLp mi?" deN doriS waS in a shOck so shE jUz repEated n sAid " i do nOt have to heLP u" n waLked awaY... cRazy riTe?? we onLi heaRd of HEr befOre bUt nV meT hEr... deN thE funNiest part iS shE caMe agaIn on tuEs... n tIs tiMe it waS wiLLy(ah bEng) whO sErved hEr n hE diDnt nOe abT her laHz... sO he wEnt uP to hEr coZ sHe waS broWsin at thE froNt waGon whEre he waS staNDing n asK whEther he CouLd hELp hEr n shE sHouted BAck aT hIm tHe saMe thIng CAN U SAY U DO NOT HAVE TO HELP MI!! hAhaz... deN hE waS sTUnned... deN dorIs caMe to thE bacK n toLd mI taT waS tHe woMAn shE spOke of the otheR TImE... sO i kP n wENt to thE frOnt n sEe... sHe dOesnt LoOk mEntaLLy unsOund bUt thE mOment u sEe her scrEam u nOe taT's soMethIng wroNg wiF hEr... taT wiLLy aLso verI GL pUrpoSeLy waNNa maKe hEr aNgry... kEep smiLin n asKin hEr " wo ke yI banG ni maHz???" hahaZ.. lUff diE mI lahzz... deN i haPPen to be deRe deN shE shOuted " yYy mUz u ask mI yYy u caNnot go asK otHer ppLe HUH??! deN i reLied her "aUntie u DO NOT onLi serVe u foR ur infoRmatiOn we sErve eVery cUStoMEr!!" deN sHe reFuse to leave the PlACE manZ... sHE keeP stanDIng agaiNst thE piLLer oUtsIDe oUR stoRe n sTAre at uS den waLk uP to wiLLy n asK hIm tHE saMe quESTIon ovEr n over aGAin... n i tiNk sHe liKes to chEw oN her haIr laHZ... sO groSs! dEn tIs vEri coOL mOther scoLded hEr "waT r u trYin to sAy? thEy r doIn a verI goOd jOb sErviNg us!" deN tuRn to wiLLy n sAId he diD a goOd jOb n keep it uP!! *cOOl* i tiNk the woMAn weNt mOre crAzy maNz... bUt dUnnoe yYy sHE stiLL caN smiLe n screaM at wiLLy lahZ deN taT tuPid wiLLy was lYke siNgin to her n keeP smLin at her n asKin wo ke yi baNg ni mAhz? hahaZ,,, so gL riTe? deN tiNk shE waS toO frUStraTed shE sTArted to waLk oFf n wiLLy asKed hEr to gO hOme n sLeep!! hahaZ... sO maNi cRAzy ppLe in toA paYoh! SCAry! lUcky i dU stAy deRe!
wEnt fOr saKura buffEt tOdaE wiF dOris, caLynn n pS... fuLL tiMers treAt paRt tiMers... nOw sUpa bLoated... feeL lYKe a pOtato! goIn tO dO exErcise bEfore i sLEep.... jA mata kOndo!

pIcture tAKen oN dUck b--daE

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mIrrOr imAge oF preTty aCg mEmbers
Image hosted by sI mIn n yitiNg
Image hosted by jOs n dUcky-b-dae gaL!
Image hosted by aCg mEmbErs! mISsiN: vaNNess
Image hosted by mI mYseLf
Image hosted by mI n JOs
Image hosted by Photobucket.comuS aGain

Bunny tang Y 11:00 PM

Tuesday, January 03, 2006

weLcoMe YR2006!

2 mOre dAys n chrisTmaS wiLL be oVer!! *bOohOo!!! bUt LooKin foRward fOr chInese nEw yr too! hAven uPdaTed foR sOo lOng... kInda lAzy n tOo bUsy!!! tiNk sHaLL jUz sUmmariZe eVerYthIng... sHort n sWeeT otHerwISe i tInk tYpe untiL tomoLo aLso caNnot fInish.... let's bAck traCk(rewInds)//

//weNt fOr a chAlet oN tHursdae(29 dec) wiF mY beLoved aCg n haD steAmbOat in Da cHalet... rUshed oVer aFt wOrk n wAs sO freaKin tiRed... aFt mI n pS fiLLed oUr stoMach we hAd oUr cHristmaS excHAnge giFt n i gOt jOanna's preSent... a sEt of orAnge tOweL frOm smaLL tO bIg(3pIeces) frOm aussiNo.. how uniqUe! HAhaz... n tAt dUcky gOt mIne! she's a lucKy gaL! ahahaz... the onLi spoiLer of tHe chaLet is oUr bLoody nEighbOur*gLks*... IrriTatIn! caMe oVer n scoLded uS for being nOisy eVen caLL secUritY.... sIaoz... tiS is a chAlet laHz waN peAce bOok a rOom in fuLLertOn or keeP ya mOuth sHut!! sO aNgry... bAnged oN da dOor sO lOud... eVen i waS baThin caN heaR hiM shOut aT mY freNz... deN tHe nExt tIme weNt dW toWn tO meEt jU to bUy the GuESS? bAg wHich i haD resErve tWo daYs aGo whiLe thE resT wEnt for roLLer bLadin n jOanna sTayed iN the rOom to stuDy... PoOr gaL! tEst cOmin uP! finaLLy gOt iT daMn haPpi! bUt tAt jU waS freaKin lAte fOr oNe hR... n tiS sTupid sUrveyOr asK mi heLp hIm dO a suRvey... i tHot it waS oK to heLp bUt.... to My baG- reServed tAt baG becAuse jU didNt gEt OG caRd frOm mum wHich entitles 10% diScoUnt sO we deciDed to go bAck oN fridAe... waS daMn lUckY coZ tHey haD storewide 20% laHz... eVen beTTer... heE... frOm $148 to $118... wHoO... n bROught 2girL boXers from topshOp... mI,jO n pS haS tHe saMe oNe... hEe... den rUShed bAck tO da chaLet for BBq!!! pUrpOseLy maDe aLot of nOise tO aNnoy tHe gLk neighbOurs cOz it wAs befOre 12aM, tHey caNt do aNythIng to uS! wAhaha! *eviL* i wAs tHe prInceSs aT da cHAlet got marCus*kIng* to peeL praWns for mi... hEe.. n first time BBq dUn haVe to coOk mYseLf n goT to eaT tiLL fuLL fuLL... whEe! deN afT taT weNt cLubbIng aT zoUk wiF freNz... sHe waNted tO sTay untiL 5 laHz... *faInts*

toLd her caNt cOz haVe to worK iN da aFternOon whIch is nEw yrs eVe!! sO angrY! caNNot gO mOunt fabEr cOuntdw! *puI* tuPid jOb bUt fOr the saKe of $$$... *tolerAte* thOtwAs gOin tO spEnd mY coUntdw at giOdarnO lHz... bLoody sAd... bUt lUcky enDed wOrk at 11pM so weNt dW tO esPlaNade to waTch tHe fIrewoRks wIF newfoUnd sUga dAddy!!! hahaZ... *suPErb* vEri nIce bUt sO maNi gLks... eeEyer!! iRritaTin!! they weRe spRayin thOse snOw sPray cAns... haTe thOse stUff!!! aFt taT sLacked arD n weNt bacK hOme cOz wOrkin in da mOrnin... u sEe taT's how wOrk sUx! n tHe pasT feWs dAys waS terribLy bUsy, sales wAs gOod bUt tAt jUz adds up to kiLLin mI fasTer.... aFt work oN sUndaY wEnt tO waTch nArania... nIce sHow! reMinds mI of mapLestOry got bOWmaN n cLeric... ppLe go waTch it... waItin for dA viNci coDe n meMoirs oF geisHa(qUite nIce, fiNished thE booK aLreadi) to be scReened... reAdin dA viNci coDe nOw!! workeD on mOnday tOO Got nEw uniform... *cHeers* dUn haVE to weaR taT ugLy coNdurOy... goin tO doNate to saLvatOn arMy maN... goT jEans n reD poLo tEe n oNe mOre coraL toP...

scHooL sTarts toDae! n pRaiSe tHe lOrd i pAssed mY accOUnts wIf FLYING coLors*aT leaSt to mY staNDard... hahaZ... 30/40... wHee... aLL thX to kittY kaT! tomoLo goT sTAts hOpe i pAss tAt tOo... sTAyed in scH fOr lUnch tODae n aFt taT weNt Tm to accoMpaNy cHiews untiL her wOrk staRts at 5pM... brouGht a heeLs! at onLi $27! sO haPPi... aFt taT weNt hOme... n tAt bLur keMp forGot tO bring hsE kEys n caNNot go hOme lahZ... mY gOd sO bLUr! deN asK mi gO dw bIshan tO accOmpaNy hIm... n i wAs oN the waY to kOvan... bUt in tHe enD he sAid nVm... i wAs qUite tiRed tOo... aLmosT forgot cOntInue aBt thE bLoody sUrveryor n aN unkNown gUy! irrItaTin n tHey weRe unLucky tHey bOth dISturB mI at dA samE tiMe wHich pIssed mI oFf more... coz doubLe bLow mahz... haahZ..bOth gOt scoLded terribLy bY mI...gRr... iRritatIn pEsts! kk taT's aLL.. hEre thE coLLectiOn of PictUres!

Image hosted by Photobucket.comImage hosted by mY 1sT gUesS? baG!
Image hosted by sHE lOves mI
Image hosted by i lOve HEr tOo!! hEe!
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Bunny tang Y 10:50 PM


Bunny tang.
Date de naissance-4th May.

I have crossed the Big 2 and fears entering 3
The corporate world bores me, now i long to go back to sch
Have been working at the Singapore Flyer for 3yrs but a new chapter awaits me
Loving & being loved by my dearest boy
We have crossed our 3yrs mark baby, thats a record n i want it to go on and on
Easily satisfied with SWEET stuffs & a full tummy. U know what to do. Bye ♥

Trash it out

Cousin Samsam-thedonkey
Ming Zhen-thepromoter
dajie FeLFeL-thehiPpo
aCg Jojo-thespoiltbrat
Tee Jun-thedude
cOusin Emerlyn-thedevotedchristian
aCg Simin-thedarlingstar
aCg Peishan-theMummyLi


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