Monday, February 27, 2006
bAck iN aCtioN
hEy peeks!!! I’M finaLLy bAck… tIS is gOnna bE a lOong pOSt… woNt be MIA fRom My bLog foR noW coZ I’m hAVin 2 mthS hoLidae n I hAve pLentY of time fOr eNjOyment… whOo hOo!! *dance aRd*
eXaMs tiS time was horReNdous… mOst oF thE PapEr waS a kiLLer n I sLept lyKe 2-3hRs eVerydAe.. n oN thE dAe of the acts pAper I didn’t sLeep aT aLL… felt lYke a waLkin zOmbie… I dRead suPp pApers… bUt I cAn fORsEe oNe(oR mAybe mOre) cOmin… tAt oNe is MBS… Ahh!! tHe tHot oF goIn tHroUgh it Again is jUz suffocating… felt lYke bUrnin aLL the nOtes… Plz god eVen have to take sUpp pAper lEt mI pAss it… rePeatin thE mOdule is 100X wORst… tiS sEmsTer lYke ended so fAst… nO mOre 1B07… tAt’s sAd… will be stream accordin to oUr subject selection wHen skooL starts n sTart kNowin cLAssmaTes aLL over aGain… -eNd of exam talks time tO reLex n lOosen uP-
8th Feb wEnt to Mos wiF thE whOLe group oF gals… daMn fuN cOz there waS so mAni oF uS… jOs, sHi ya, pS,lAura, vickkI,caLynn n zi Ling aLL wEnt… dance aT the rNb section deN suDdenLy lAUra n vickkI wanted to gO phutUre n sOme of uS didn’t wAnna gO sO in thE end onLi lEft wiF mi, pS, sHi ya n caLyNn… deN went to tHE trance section cOz tHe cRowd aT the rNb sIde sUx… gOt fRee dRinks from some ppLe dEre n sTayed till 4Pm before goIn hOme…
aLL of tHem tAt wEnt
1sT oN the 19Feb it’s mY beloved daJie’s (FeL) b-dAe…
“HAPPY 2_ B-dAE!!! *mUAckZ*
shE 10Yrs oLder deN mI but sHE aCts jUz lYke mY agE… hAhaz… pEopLe aLways aSk hEr waT’s hEr aGe lyKe 18 or 19 deN she will sAy “ hAhaz nO laHz 21” or something… waT a liEr! hA! kitty kAt wAs so nIce to oRgaNize a chalet fOr hEr n brought hEr a bIcyCle n made a guess bOok foR ppLe to lEave nOtes… sO memorable! mI n jU still oWns her a b-dAe present… invited some of mY aCg members cOZ tHey Knew mY da jIe toO… sEe I nOe mOst of mY sIsters’ fRenz n tHey nOe mIne… tAt’s Yyy we r sO close to each other… jOs, shI ya, jOanNa n hEr freNz iris came… iRis wAs verI friendly n oN the sAme dAe it Was aLso hEr freNz b-dAe n shE brought uS oVer to tHe freNz sIde… evErytiMe we gO over we geT free drinks… dRank bOurbOn coke n chatted awhile deN mY siS called said cUtting cake so we went bAck… deN thEy decided tHey wanted to drink mOre aLcohoL n we wEnt to cheers n bRought 1 lOng island n 2 braCadi n mIchi icE cReaM*yUmmy*… it’S thE 1sT time I sEe jOannA dRInk n she’s nOt a baD drinker Man… uNbeLievable… JoaNna: “aCg is wAitin for u to gO clUbbIn wif uS” hEe… dEn wEnt bAck to iRis freNz dEre cOZ he wAs cutting hIs cake aLso.. n hE mixed bacarDi for uS again… hAHaz… dEn mY little cOuSins sEe us drink aLso wAnna drinkc so FeL brought them to bAck… n sTeph wAs so fUnny hEr whoLe fAce beCame a cOOked lObsTer n shE fell dEad asleep afT drInkin n coMin oUt to sTuff hErseLf wif fOOd… n cAn u believe taT mY exam sTArts oN the 21Feb n 18-20 I wAs aT a chalet… hahAz… real sLAcker’s life! hAve to bE mOre hArdwORkin nExt yR… hEe!
2 CrAzy peOple... hEe..
mAKe a Wish
onLi 1 candle?!
FeL n kittY
MuacK! its hEr honor!
wiF her sEc skooL freNz
wiF kitty's fRenz
sTraigHt aFt eXam oN friDae(25feB) we Have pLanned to gO cLubbin… pS mSged mi on thUrs n ask mI whether wAnna gO… Den I’m lYke oF coZ! hEe… wEnt to pAn pac tO lOok for hIm… n wEnt dW wIf hIs coLLeagues to zOuk… meT up wiF my aCg dEre n I noticed tAt dEre wAs sOmethIng weird btW pS n fuLing dEn I found out tHey wEre wEarin tHe same top cOincidEntaLLy… HAhaz… pS waS so embArRaSsed… deN we wEnt in n fOund tAt zOuk wAs hAvin an e33 eVent it wAs quite crowded… wEnt oVer to pHutuRe n it wAs practically empty… pathetic… sO we decided to drink Dere dEn go over to pHuture as thE bartender tOld us tAt thE mUsic hEre todAe will nOt be waT we lyke… n so wE asked hIm for aNy drink recommendation n He saiD eVerytIme we cOme we drink thE sAMe stuffs lYke he recognizes uS… hAhaz… drank lYcheE martini vEri nIce n sWeet n 4 shOts of illusion, nIce nAme… bUt it doesn’t taste lYke alcohol… verI sWeet… n tAt fUlin went crazy aGain aft sHE drank lOng island… I’m sO goNNa forbid hEr to drink tAt the nExt time we go… n gUeSs waT hEr nAme tiS time wAs jOcie… hAhaz… eVerytIme she gets drunk sHe will tiNk oF a diFf name fOr herself… aHhaa… deN went oVer to hIs frEnz sIde n sTayed dEre… ps sAw Her “faVs” executive… wAhaha… wHicH was hIs superior I tInk… But hE doesn’t lYke hEr… tAt’s sO sAd… deN wEnt back wiF hIm 1st cOZ he cannot mAke it aLreadi… lOusY! *blEhz…
mI n fU lIng
mI n jOs
mI n pS
lOok sAme tOp! hEe...
dEn tHey next dAe wEnt to watch final destination 3 wIF hIm… thE sHow wAs gruesome n disgusting… felt lYke pUkin aFt watch it… *sHivers* deN toDae watch dVd at hOme wiF hIm n jU… watched bRokebacK mOuntaIn… tHe enDin wAs so sAd… dEn he uSed the lAptop to research fOr the hoLidae n I fell aLseep… dEn I wOke up n helped hIm train hIs lOusy maple n hE fell asleep… sNorin lYke pig! HahaZ… went to eAt dInner at sErangoOn garden, kitty n FeL came over to jOin uS… I aLreadi hAve some activities pLanned fOr tiS week... hAHaz… TUesday, k-bOx section wIF my giorDano colleagues, wEd maYbe gOin to cArteL wIf mAd dogS, sUnday dInner wiF kitty kAt, FeL n Ju cOz her b-dAe is oN mOndae… n shE wAns to go tO maLaysiA oN mOndae fOr shOppin… whEe… wAt an enjOyment! I nEed a tAn tOo… aNybOdy?? hEe… feELin sLeepy from aLL tiS tYping… wAtashi wAs tsUkaremaShita… sAyonaRa…
Bunny tang Y 10:46 PM