Wednesday, April 26, 2006
rePorting to skooL
skoOL has officaLly stArted on the 24th apR bUt lUcky tiS weeK we onLi hAd to atteNd lecture... untiL nOw i stiLL dUnnOe whO's in My cLAss othEr den littlE Chicken(dayne)... cOz we hAven got a chAnce to sit wiF our cLAss ppLe... tiNk i wiLL get to nOe theM tiS frI throUgh the BAsic of entrepeurshIp tut... tHe thOt of goIn throUgh alL the ice breaKin agaIn jUz sux... bUt stiLL gotta nOe theM weLl aft all we haVE 1yr to Noe each othEr... i wAs initaiLly quIte satisfIed wiTh my timetAbLe as there weRe maNi emptY slOts untiL i remeMber i hAd to aDd anotHer Cds to it... haIz.. n tAt to add tAt additiOnal cDos was so troUbLesoMe.. we HAd to Go lOok for the acadEmic adviSor n theY were so mAni ppLe, we onLi got eVErythIng done 2 hrs lAter... n the woRst tIme is mOst of the cds did nOt hAve ani vAcaNcies lEft... sO we hAd to pIck froM aLL the lEft oVer oNes... aLL mY toP 2 chOices weRe fuLL... hOw sicKenin... n in thE end i got psycholOgy, guEss i wiLL jUz haVe to stick wif it... suppOSe to have psychOlogy lectUre at 9am todae but i decided Not to turn uP as i wouLd be lefT wif a freaKin 4 hrs bReak before the next tut... decidEd to onLi turn uP for the 2 hrs tut laTer... wAs so Lookin forwaRd to mY fench lec n tUt on thuRs but alL was crush becOZ of bUsiness dae! duCky finaLLy caMe to tP desIgn skooL... hAhaz... weNt to meeT her n her nEwfound frenz, pS, giNa n jOseph for lUnch afT lec n weNt to siGn up for ccAs... siGned up for neTbaLL n caNoe poLo... goIn to sIgn uP for bAsketbalL todae weNt der ySterdae n tHe bootH was cLOse... siCkening...
wEnt for Hr mGt lEc ysterDae n foUnd oUt taT thaT was thE oNe n oNLi lecture for taT sUb tis whoLe sem whIch Mean no skooLs on tuEs for mi... whoolaLAz... i tink mY onLi worriEs nOw is Business finanCe as its quIte simiLar to accts n my acCts suX... oH n aLso the bUsineSs propoSaL.. hAven eVen thOt of anythIng n sEems mOSt of mY frenZ aLreadi nOe wat thEy were gOnna do... gotTa staRt wOrkin mY brains aft alMost 2 mthS of hoLidaes! gOin to pLay mOon hArvest... addIcted to tiS gaMe thEse few daEs all thX to chIews... hAhaz... it's abt seTtin up ur oWn farm whEre u get to grow croPs, go mIning, fishin, rearing animals n caN evEn get mArried n exPand ur hse... i guEss tis gaMe is reaLLi addictive cOZ even mY sis got infLuenced By mi to pLay it... hAhaz... neXt saT is sentoSa dAes wiF aCg... lOokin forwArd!!!
Bunny tang Y 8:53 AM