Tuesday, October 31, 2006
i lOve weeKends coZ i geT to sEe u! yEs u! hEe...
finAlly went tO the hOttest shOppin centre fOr Now- VIVO ciTy. it's reaLli biG n i'M sure to get lOst if i waS alOne... bUt i thInk they kiNda waste aLot of sPace like in the middle of the maLL as it seeMs preTty empTy... i gUess they are jUz expEctin cuStomers to fLow the pLace... doUbt anyone caN coMb the whoLe pLace iN a day... didNt bUy anythIn thOugh becOz i weNt shOppIn wif jU on thUrs n i broUght a tOp froM far eaSt n a juMper paNts frm Zara the maIn resuLt was mY paY hAs not aRrived! aRgh!
wEnt indoOr tAnnin for thE verI fIrst tiMe on sUn wif Ju n sUga... iT's reaLli mOre efficient n definiteLy saVes lOts of tiMe... jUz 10mins+ in the mAchine n u feeL lyKe u have jUz laid in tHe sUn for 2hrs...
waTched the guardian on sUnday n i got to say i disagree wif the lousy reviews the papers gAve to the shOw... bEcoz i feLt tat the shOw was reaLLi nIce n toUchin... do waTch it!! its actually sort oF a tribute tO the US cOast Guards resCue swImmers... i woNder if there's reaLLi anioNe tat exist n tiS worLd so nobeL to actually saCrifice theIr lifE for anOthers... hMm... mAybe raintree shLd do a lOcal produCtion lyke say a tribute to local civil servants or the aRmys... hAhahz... to bOOst guYs moraLe wif servIng the Ns... wAhahaz...
Bunny tang Y 12:27 AM
Wednesday, October 25, 2006
i feEl lyKe i jUz got hIt by a cAr! i feEl so disapPointed in myself for beenIng so careless not to check... hoW couLd i make such a mistaKe...
aLL the whiLe i thot taT mY appeal for corP cOmm was unsuccEssfuL n i wouLd remInd in mY original posTed coUrse of HRM n tourIsm buT i waS wroNg i forgot totaLLy tAt i did pUt markeTin n tourisM as mY 2nd choIce in the appeal nOt knOwin tat i couLd hv lefT it bLank.
paRtly becaUSe i rememBered receivIng a caLL frM dunnoe whicH idiOt teLLin mI if i dUN get mY 1sT choIce do i sticK wif my orginaL coUrse n i saiD Yes nOt thInkin mUch aft tat...
nOw greaT mY appeal was suCcessfuL n i didnt even nOe... hOw i wisH nOw taT i was the other unlUcky half whO didnt get their apPeal successfuL.... daMn the loUsy messY syStem n the miscommUnicatIon!!! i guEss i'm jUz fated to do the sUbjEct i deTest MarKetiNg!
tHIs soNg sUIts mI the mOst nOw....
Bunny tang Y 3:36 PM
Wednesday, October 18, 2006
apoLogies for the late pOst... waS tOo buSy witH wOrk... ok in actuaL fAct not reaLLi bUsy bUt i guEss i'M jUz nOt used tO wORkin and a 9.30am-6.30pm oFfice jOb simPly dRains aLL my enErgy awaY at the eNd of the dAy... fiRstly i hAd a woNderfuL laNteRn festivaL tis yr with aLL my lOves, aCg ,sUga n freNz... alMost the whOle of aCg n eacH of oUr beau wEre dere expEct for liNgz... we did oUr usuaL chit cHattin, sittiN in a circLe eatin MooNcake, pLayin wif spArkies n cAm-whorIng... hAHaz...i jUz lOve aCg oUtings! hEe... tIs yr i Made a lAntern fest. bUnny wiF suGa out OF candles bUt i thOt it lOoked mOre lYke a hallOweeN bUnny... hAhaz... dEn we pLayed gaMes togetHer n stuFf lyke tat... it waS a sUper enJoyabLe dae...oH goSH yawNin lyke mAd i guEss i goNna get sOMe beautY sLeep sOoN!! taTa...n tO alL pPle do taKe care n drInk lOtsa waTer the HAze is terrIbLe...ps: whOever hAs the grOup piCs on lAntern fEst pLz seNd it tO mi!!! tHX... proudLy by mi n sUga
the dYing out bUnny
aInt i adoRable? hEe
Bunny tang Y 12:14 AM
Thursday, October 05, 2006
i wAn....a bUnnY lAnterN wif bRight flIckerIng lIghtsn lOud mUsic!!! hEEsO lOokin forwaRd to lAntern fesTivaL on friDaecoZ i get tO meeT mY aCg gaLs n the resT nmY fav delicIOus mOoncaKes...wAs craVin for mY traditiOnaL doUble yoLk moOncaKe n mUmmy brOught bAck 2 mOre bOxes! *Yeah*aTe gOOdwood pArk hoTel's dUrian mOoncaKe a gifT froM ah yi's freNz n iT actuaLLy tasted qUite nIce.. becoZ taT day mY sis wAs eatIn n it smeLt reaLLi smElly... hAHazoH yah... i waS jUZ kiddin... i acTually prEfer the traditiOnal paper lanteRn whEre u caN use n set firE aft taT... *ooPSy*
Bunny tang Y 12:02 AM
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
cAtched two mOvies recently, miami vice n rob-b-hood...miami vice i guess juz hearin the title u can roughly noe wat's the show abt... make it simple, cops trying to catch thugs... hAhaz... bUt i tiNk it's reaLLi a niCe actiOn sHOw... do caTch it!!those guns sCenes are fabuLous lyke wat alEx said was different frm other shows becOZ they dun go put dw ur guns here n dere they juz sHoot withOut warNin...Rob-b-hood a comedy with the usually actions done by jackie chan bUt tis time wif handsome louis khoo is well... hEe... i lOve the bAby in the shOw best... sUper cUtie pie manz n i tinK i lOve the show becoZ of the baBy... it's lyke the cutest baby i hv since big grey eyes! i'm in love wif the bAby... hAhazfinaLLy wenT to sentosa wif sUga on fridaE but taT pig was late for almost 1hr! *hmPh* on acct of the caKe i let u off... den saT was ah ma b-dae so we weNt for dinner at ah ma hse n ate her delicious cOOkin.... hEe... n his 1week hoildae ended, aCg jc gaLs busy preparin As n the rest workIn so i'm strucK at hoMe agaIn... lOokin forward to fridae's moOn cake festivaL!! Ju i waN mY swensOn mOoncake!!!...
Bunny tang Y 3:23 AM