Monday, November 20, 2006
i Am bUried wiF lOads OF proJects nOw!!
sO pArdOn mI for nt uPdaTin...
wiLL be baCk sOOn....
sO taKe cAre evEryoNe!
tO mY lOveLy JanelLe Li PeisHan (aCg)
HaPpi 18tH birtHday!
aIn't U exCited tO cLub tiLL u drOp?!
i nOe u r dyin to GO wiF mi!!! hEe
Love yA... *sMOochIes n hUggies*
n hAve a woNderfuL daY wiF ur
DarLing RyaN...
Bunny tang Y 5:37 PM
Monday, November 13, 2006
PreseNt no. 7
--To mY beLoved Suga--
hAppI 21st b-Dae!!!
i Love YOu...
treaTEd hIm to jApanese bUffet at Kushin-bO yesTerdae... We weRe sOoo fuLL we feLt like pUking... hAhaz... tAts to pAy off for oUr greEdiness... bUt i tiNk i aTe eVen mOre theN hiM... hEe... thE foOd was greAt... i lOve YuMmy sEafOods expect fISh tat is... thE dEssert wAs greAt toO iCe-creaM, caKes, chOcolate, foNdue i aTe eVerythIng...
den aFt so ofTen they wouLd have tiS speciaL proMotioN thIng where they wiLL anNoUnced oVer their PA system like "currently having a special offer for free ice cream at the dessert BAr for first 40 customers"
dEn you wEre sEe a whoLe grP of ppLe rUshin towaRd the cOunter... i foUnd it so interestiN n aMusing bUt sUga thot thEy shLd remove thIs kInd oF proMtion to stoP ppLe frm sEein the ugLy n KS siDe of SingaporeaNs!! wAhaha... i evEn mAde hIm to get the free mOchi n strawberry ice creaM n aLso cOtton candies fOr mi... hEe... *mEanie mi*
Was suppOse to HaVe diNner with His famiLy tonIte bUt i feLL sIck... daMn... waT a waSte!!! tIs is so irritatIng, faLLin siCk on the whOle day... hAizz... sO sOrri suga i caNNot maKe it... hOpe u HAd a woNderfuL dInner wif ur famiLy!! u stiLL hv oNe more presEnt with mI!! hEe...
waIting to be fetcHed by sUga...
Next pLz do not drool on screen!
yUmmy jUicy sEafoOd!
mY frEe miNi mOchi n stRawberry ice-creAm
sUga n cotton cAndy
DessErts! mY loVe...
uS induLgening
Bunny tang Y 12:00 AM
Saturday, November 11, 2006
*Ding dOng*
oNe boTtle eAch oF voDka vAnilla N
vOdkA pEacH foR sAles!!!!GOOD DEAL!!! inTerested dO dRop mi a Msg!!! tHx...
Bunny tang Y 3:43 AM
Thursday, November 02, 2006
jUz a reguLar pOst... hMm... oK i aM haVin a craZe for saKae receNtLy... n i caN eaT coNtinuoUsly for dinner in 2 dAys witHout get siCk oF it... hAhaz... beeN eaTin thOse tat i haVe not triEd before... partLy aLso becoZ i aM tryin to accUmuaTe receipt of uP to $300 for the meMber card sHarin 1 caRd wiF my sIs is sO troubLesoMe becOz i aLwayz foRgets to get it frM her... sO anIone whO is goNna eat saKae dO kEep the receipT for mI... Thx! *wHee...
i usE to lOve the tempUra iCe-creaM(friEd icE-creAm) dere bUt duNnoe wat haPPened theY stOpped seLLin it...sO taT dAy i weNt wif mY sis n we deciDed to trY the othEr of their ice-creaM n aTe the peacH ice-creaM... i waS so aMazed by how meticuLoUsly they did it, it lOoked lyke a reaL peaCh they evEn made a stem for it wif miNt choColate n a core for thE pEach maDe of ferraro rocher... it's lYke so mani sUrpisEs in a liTtle iCe-creAm... hAhaz... soUnds lYke a kid huH... deN i triED anOther oNe wif sUga, tat was moRe chocOlatey bUt it had a bIt of lIquer in it... DeLiciOus! OOppsy mY stoMach's growLing...
hMm... laStly afT goIn for schooL for alMost 2 weekS i guEss mArketin is nOt tat bAd animOre... bUt i prefers bUyers' behaviOur(BB) mOre then mArketin communicAtion becOZ BB is more lYke psychologY n i lOve tat... hoPefuLly i caN do it as weLl as i diD for psYcho... mar com is kInda bOrin bUt i prefers the teaCher... hAhaz... i waS stiLL trYin to coNvince mYselF taT at leaSt i dO nOt nEed to dO PBL anImore since i waS nOt taKin HRM bUt it waS a mIstake aLL the MArketin projects are PBL tOo!! *bOOhOo... Gtg... LEcture is at 9aM toMoLo... hv a nIce dAy ahEad ppLe! gOod lUck to tHOse taKin As tOo...
proCess of eating the peach!
goLden mUshroom wraPped wif beeF!
Bunny tang Y 12:09 AM