Thursday, December 28, 2006
hAppI hoiLdays!!!
hEy i'm BAck to uPdatE!! jUz caMe bacK frm scH to get 2 proJects dOne... tmL wiLL be doIn markEtin... tIs hoiLdae is seriOusly tOO shOrt... =(
a revIew oN last weeK's activities...
haD a greaT time wiTh mY teaM-maTes afT the lAst papEr... we weNt to sUki suShi for bUffet and i got to sAy the servICe suX deRe n we were so pIssed we wrOte a coMplaiN leTTer... n pLz dO not trY their chA soBa it tasTed hoRrible... i tink i onLi enJoyed the sOft sheLL crab... bUt i gueSS taT's the mOSt we can expEct coNsidering the pRice pAid... bUt stiLL.... ok shaLL not let tis spoiL my mOod... aFt whIch we were caM-whorin in neOprInt machines n toOK faBulouS pIcs... waHAhha... gaLs!!!
nOw for KL trip... fOOd dere was nIce n cHeap, especiaLLy the roAd sidE staLLs... *yUm yUm* im sUch a glUttoN... diD soMe sHoppin dere tOo bUt diDnt bUy mucH duE to coNstraInt resOurces... hMm... maYbe i shLd finda jOb... brOught a bAg for sch, a Jacket, a toP, sOme make uPs, coNtact lens, faMOus amOs coOkies n fOOd... the haGen daZs foNdue was the saMe priCe as sIng bUt in RM!!! sUrprISely frM aLL the mId night sUpper and deLIciOUs foOd i diDnt gaIn a sIngle poUnd... hOw diSappoIntIng!
who wouLd beAr to eat them?!
bAskin robbiNs roX!
aiNt they adorabLe?
roAdside dINNer
snaPsHot of oNe of the sHopPin centre.. nIce view
KL's zhu chang fen
fLood on JB highway
dOffy mY new BAby
who wouLd beAr to eat them?!
bAskin robbiNs roX!
aiNt they adorabLe?
roAdside dINNer
snaPsHot of oNe of the sHopPin centre.. nIce view
KL's zhu chang fen
fLood on JB highway
dOffy mY new BAby
exPErience wat dXo was liKe for thw 1st tIme wif fuLing n soMe of mY proJect groUp maTes... it was a little bORin at the start as theRe was a live bAnd sInging n the daNce fLoor was emPty... bUt it was ladIes night on friDae n ladies had free fLow so it was qUIte wortH it... i tiNk it wouLd be fuN to go dEre in a bIg grOup as it's nOt veri cROwded...
hIgh in the caB
in the clUb
beautIfuL artwork at suntec
hIgh in the caB
in the clUb
beautIfuL artwork at suntec
maDe a visit to cOsta sAnd for priMary scH's chaLet... it's was reaLLi nIce caTchin up wif them... it's feeL so gOod gaTher oNce in a whiLe... n it's was sOO fuNny to see my squAbbling partner who sat besIde mi duriNg clASS.. reMiniscing hOw we usE to fIght with eacH other!! jOke! n he keePs saYin i resembLe L when i didNt waTch deatH nOte! n apparently L's a Guy... lIke heHhhh....
CHRISTMAS arrived! mY aLL tiMe fAv fEstival seaSon... haD a BBq n paJamaS paRty at Hm bUt onLi My famiLy wOre paJamas... aCg+BEaus caMe with own coOked fOOd n excHAnged pResents... n the hIghlight of the dAy mY uncle broUght hIS whoLe cHurcH cHOir of 30 ppLe to mY hSe n they sang caroLs and there was a Preacher to shAre the mEaning of peaCe ... 1sT time i saW mY uncle sang in a chOir... awEsoMe... hAhaz... we were stiLL bBq-ing at 4am eatiN pOtatoes wif maYo n bAcon bIts!! mY fav diSH.. aCg's excHange gift n i goT siMin oNe n it was 2 sExy unDerwear!! waHaha... n for famiLy i got aLex's pResent it coNsisted faMOus amOS cooKies, $10 sTarbUcks vOurcher n 2 sTarbUcks straws(like heh!)... also got a cuTey fLower naval riNg frm kItty , dVds to eNtertain mi frm sUga n a pUrse wif a maYbeline liPsticK frOm mY auNtie... TAt's all... liKe quIte little hUh? *hint HInt* hahaZ... jUz kiddiN...
sInce 22dec-26 i slePt in the mOrning everydae i guEss tat's hOw i feLL sIck... *bOOhOo* BUt mUch bEtter nOw...
wiLL upLOad mOre of he PJ's party pIC aft i gets it frOm kitty.. for nOw these r soMe...
mY manIcure for christmas
mi n coUsin ameLia
mY forever craZy coUsin stEph
hoNey n sUga
mI n belOved er jIe (ju)
mYself n doffY
siMin n th gifT i got frm her!
tJ wif faKe snOw on hIS face
snOw effect creaTed
Bunny tang Y 7:22 PM