Tuesday, January 23, 2007
i thInk vEry sOOn i wiLL jUZ crasH dw liKe a cOmpUter! mY generatOrs are maLfUnctiOning..goDdam it! the worKload is sOo mUcH TP is trYing to kiLL theiR sTudents! tIs is the onLy sem tAt i feLt waS the mOSt streSsfuL thrOughoUt my aLmost 2yrs life iN TP....nOticEd a tRend recEntly 15-16yRs oLd kiDs gOin cLubbIn... oMg.. cOMe on liVe ur aGe la enJoy ur seCondaRy scH life, cLub wheN u r of leGal aGe to driNk sAy 18... ((=15-16 yrs old lOokin like 20pLus and 23+ lOoking liKe 16-18 YRs oLd, oNe very gOod examPle my dA jie!aRgh waT is tis worLd coMing to... =Dn i mEt a weiRd n sTupid uncLe on the bUs todAy, caN u imAgine sOmeoNe cOmin uP the DoublE-decker bUs wiTh RADIO i meaN RADIO on fuLL bLAst with traditIonal chInese oLdies like thOSe frOm the Gao lin feng era! i wAs sLeeping and i got a shOck man... bLoody heLL... n he seeMs so proUd taT he hAs a RADIO, ok at leasT geT a heAd pHone and bLast ur oWn head... iNconsideraTe ppLe nOWadAys... hAiz
Bunny tang Y 5:31 AM
Saturday, January 13, 2007
hAppI bIrtHday to aCG mEmBer
-LEe sHi ya aKa deAddUck-
hOpe u eNjOyed urseLF todAy at eSkibAr wiF aCg n bEaus... 19th bIRthday aLreadi arhZ... aiNt u sCare of stEppIn into the sTart of 20Yrs oLd?? mUhaha...
aNywaY lOve ya n mUz meeT uP OftEn k??
cLubbed at zOuk n i tiNk it's becaUSe i haVen beeN dere for sOme tiMe the MUsic someHOw sOunded weird ... i'M lIKe dUnNOe mOSt of the songs tHey weRe pLayin in tHe beGinnIng... iT maDe me feLt so oLd... cLubbinG wif mY gaLs roX la bUt zhI ling LEft sO earLy so waS lefT with onLi 3 of US... stiLL pOnderin if i shLd go for TF4... hMm...
oH forGot to tHx PBL for gIvin mi thaT fondUE set aS cHrisTmas gIft... it's reaLLi NIce of u... Thank YoU!!
anYway here's 2 cLubbin pIcs i tOOk
anYwaY mY liFe nOw is sO sCrewed n fUcked Up by sOoo maNi reaSon my tiNy fINgers are sO laZy to liSt oUt n listin theM all Out mAkes reMInds mi of them n mAke mY bLood boiL n maKe mi feeL dAmn sIckeNing... so yah.... daMn dAmn dAmn! i feeL so uniMporTant.
siTtin in tiS lOnely rOom wiF no ligHts oN n eVeryoNes asLeep...
u don't know me, u don't even care
ps. paRdon mi for the vuLgaritieS.
Bunny tang Y 5:27 AM