Saturday, February 17, 2007
hey alL...a vEry haPPy cHinese nEw yR! i did lots of eaTing even before chiNese new yr !!! wahahaz.... i will uPdate aGai after new yr n aFt mY exaMs...tAta... haPpy angpOw coLlecting, doNt miNd doNating sOme to mi do mSg mI! hEe.... its a seasoN to eat to grow faT n gAmbLe X=
Bunny tang Y 1:46 AM
Thursday, February 08, 2007
CHEERS~yEs! mY 3 teSts are finaLLy oVer... caN finaLLy enjOy mY new yr after which i'll hv to fret aBout my 2 end-of-sem killer papers!! aNyway i gUess mY scRewed uP mY cLub teSt... HaIz... sTupId... bUt its oK i'm stiLL haPPi... afTer the teSt wEnt for lUnch at TM wif jeraLd, mIng zHen n jAnice but it was toO early n stores were nOt oPen so we weNt to the acarDe 1st to have soMe fUn!! wHee~ aNywaY i wAs so careleSs i actuaLLy DrOpped my waLlet in hIs car... so gaLd it waSnt drOpped oN the strEet MAn... HAhaz.. deN weNt baCk to scHool for coMm skills n den to cHinatown with mIng zhen n jAnice to do soMe shOPping... wEnt to cAsey's sHop n boUght a nICe bLack toP... will post pic of it when i wear it... sO haPpi! bUt tats not the eNd of mY shOppin, gOnna hurrY get mY new Yr clOthes n sHoes... n here i aM at Hm... *bOo*the soNg in mY bLog is so addicative la... aFter i heard it oN the Dove cOmmercial i <3 color="#ffff00">oH yEs! ThanKs sharon whO tried to help mi find my wallet, jeraLd for fiNding my wallet n of coZ darLing mIng zhen n janice who accompaNied mi to run here and dere to get it bAck... ((= drawfs
a shot with my cAr!
the cheese baked rice nICe!
my girlies
cheEse ba kwa! *yUmmYlicious*
Bunny tang Y 9:19 PM
Monday, February 05, 2007
i hAd a sTUpid dreaMi wOke up n sAw u by my bEdside, hOw i wish it was reAL...wOke up wiTh sTupid sTomAch craMps n bLocked nOse i feLt like dYing.n mY leG stiLL achEs badLy... )):N waT caN be worst, i'm hAving a teSt tmL.
Bunny tang Y 3:54 PM
Sunday, February 04, 2007
my gAls roXWeNt cLubbing at zOuk with mY dearesT Jos to reLease sOMe stress n uNhappiness... toOk cab tiS stuPid caBby maDe us go the lOng waY. normaLly when we taKe caB with midnigHt chArge its like onL $18, but hIm without midnight chArge was like $13! sTupid man...aNyway he made us reached later den 10.30pM and had to pAy more for admission... if i kNow i wouLd hv toOK a traIn... becoz in the end we reach at 10.40pm n it was so early we got nth to do. weNt oVer to the prata shOp to eat n chItchat. den i fOund oUt mY prata sHop "bF" n mOSt of his workers that recognizes mY group when we go dere went to iNdia for 3 MONTHS! *sAd* den we left at abt 4am, mad cam-whorin on the cab.hAven been out as in shOp or waLk arOund town area for sO loNg i feLt like a toRtoise yesTErday... hAhaz... sO maNi cHanges... bUt didnt maNage to get anYthing at all n spent all mY mOney On mUm Mums... i'm such a pIg... haVen had an aCg gaTHerin for sOo lOng i mIss them aLl... weNt to hv steaMboat at bUgis aft the faiLed attemPt to shOp at bugis village becOz the amt of pple can KILL pLz. tHe stEambOat was yUmMy! we were liKe the lOngest dere even thoSe who caMe aft us haVe left n we were stiLL eaTing! gaLs pOwer... waHaha... deN weNt to eaT healThy yUmmy dessErt! tasTed daMn gOod... n neOprints hAven toOk them with mY gaLs for aGes... we use to dO it aLL the tiMe durIng sec sChool... mIss tHose dAys!
lOve u gUyz! *mUackz* aT least i feeL sLightly beTter nOw...bUt my leG acHes like fUck maN... i dUnnOe Y either. lacK of sHoppin therapy i gUeSs.i caNt wait for CNY... fOOd fOod n mOre fOod!pHoto tIme! a picture speaks a thousand words
on the way to zouk
kUku brand mineral water ambassedor!
tis is so candid. at prata shop
on the dance floor
when the musIc sUx.
on the cab home, we were goin crazy
when i got hm tryin to irritate my sis by acTing as a beaVer. LOL !
i hv a habit of cam-whoring aft i reach hm frm cLubbin n i dUnnoe Y.
gaLs oUting pICs
steaM bOat!
CAuGHT IN the act
jo lOoks so bored, jos still eating
tats better
mi n sImin
wat sm n jos ate. some milk thing wif papaya, which i conclude was for boobs enhancement. LOL
jo n shi ya sis, blAck sesame pAste for black haIr
my steamed milk wif egg n xue ha(something like birdnest) for good complexion! (:
Bunny tang Y 3:36 PM