Wednesday, March 28, 2007
1sT n 2nd daY at HKThe JourneY fRm sHenzHen to hK is toOk abt 1.5hr (train n MTR) n it aLmost kiLled mi! cOz my aUnt n graNny has No streNgth so mi n jU had to handle all the heavy lUggages, drag until my hand alMost brOke n there are so maNi freaKin sTairs in sHenzHen n HK. nO wonder the gaLs here are mostly sLim n elderlys sUper fit la... gOt mUscle aChe )=
1sT pLace i rAn to is SASA n spent abt S$100 dere! GaLs. LOL =D
hAven realli bought mUch thIngs la... sO gOin to get my nIke sHoe, bag,bOots aNd cLothes!!!!!!!!!!! fOund sO maNy internet cafe tOo! dUnnoe whO say veri hard to fiNd arhz... LOL... oH almost foRgot i went for fOrtune telling yEsterday... sO fun la...tHings he said to mi:-i' m kInd n trUstworthy =P (realli not i say one)- clever (LOL)-cAreer woman not suited for desk bOund Job (soo trUe!)- may have an operation- will hv lots of suitors so dun need to rush to get married. (not true le, chey)- best tat my husband is foreigner (my mum will kill mi =D)- the mole on my face near my eye is apparently bad for relationships coZ it will make mi upset n cry alot (to think i tHot it was qUite nIce n my specialty )= he said best tO remove it)- loNg life-good relaTionship with my sis- caNnot go swim in sea for too long coz my leg joint will ache. (quIte accurate coz my sprain my knee dere before) bUt nVm anyway i'M scare of the sEafOrgot sOme aLreadi... tHats all foLks (=
Bunny tang Y 2:57 PM
Wednesday, March 21, 2007
2nd dAy at hai kouatE aLot aGain today! fuLL die! aTe bReakfast at 10 deN 1 thEy brIng uS gO eat dInner at 7! aLmost pUke la. sInce i aRrrived my stomach haD nV grOwL befORe. LOL.wEnt dW to the village side both my grandfather n grandmother side's village. sO nice to see the pLace where my ancestors come from n the place my mUm was bOrn and sTayed till she was 6 befoRe cOming to sIngapore. the whoLe place remains mi of the setting of a show "ping qiong de dai jia" A war show i love to watch when i wAs yOung. heaRd stOries abt the japanese war frm them tOo.feLt so pitiful abt tis granny i saw. this is her story:she is my grandfather's brother wife, befOre the japanese occupation her husband came to s'pore and was running a quite well-to-do coffee shop business and his wife was applyin to come over tOo. unfOrtunely, WW2 came n he was killed by a japanese at the age of 30+ and his wife eventually was struck in china until now.mY aunt say if she could come over to s'pore life would be so different. they hv sUch hard lifes dere, they are daMn haPpy over a cuP of kopi and biscuit my granny bought for them. maYbe that yYy my mUm alWayz tells us nOt to waSte fOod. (=meT my graNny's yoUnger sis tOo! shE's so jovial n cUte n she n my granny looks so alike! i woNder how theY caN actually be sEperated frM their sIblings all over different cOuntries. i sURe cRy die mAn! LOL. tOok pLenty of videos of the place and even acted sOme scEnes. HAhaZ... i tOok i wAs sTayin in the vilLage n i was like OMG in the end *pHew* they bOoked a hotel soMewhere near the village. gOin to sHAn ya tmL, our relative is dRivin us dere n heard tat its 3hrs. lUcky my uncle hAs a laPtoP! ((=LOts and lOts of pIcture will be uPwhen i gEt BAck! be paTient. gOOdbye to cOM when i leave hainan dao ))=
Bunny tang Y 8:45 PM
Monday, March 19, 2007
-OfficiaL gOne to cHina n Hk-
frm 19thMArch-April Fool'07
dUn tell mi u dUnnoe when is april fool!
alL dUn mISs mi tOo mUch k?
its bAd for heaLth! LOL. =D
bUt u all can still cOntinue taggIng, wiLl repLy when i get bAck!
will try to update my coming back flight details in HK jUz in case u all wanna welcome mi back. LOL. *Shy* la. *hint hint to Ps*
a picture for u all to stare at incase u all miss mi tOO mUchie C|=
will miSs u all! *sMoocHies & hUggies*
Bunny tang Y 6:20 PM
Thursday, March 08, 2007
OoO... sHe's so hOt!!!
lOves her aFter waTching the L word.
jUz like Fel likes her jennifer beals who is 44yrs old! so old... hAhAz...
Katherine Moennig
like tis pic the most
alice n shane
So attractive.period
The L word.
Bunny tang Y 1:53 AM
Monday, March 05, 2007
a sPeciaL pOSt for a sPecial fRiend
HapPy eaRly bIrtHdy tO kiTty KaT!
hOped u eNjoyed the nice meaL we all hAd!
anyway lots of new experience today! the pLace we went to for dinner was awesome... oMg i lOve the view from the 70th lvl restaurant Jaan at Swissotel the stamford! its was my first time after so long eating fIsh! n it was raW tuna complimentary frm the cHef as appetizer.... it doesnt taste as bAd... no fiShy smell... we had freNch cuisine n the fOod rOX! it taste dAmn nIce, it's really quality for he price u pay.
For drinks Kitty had shirley's temple(dunnoe izzit spelled like tat), the 3 sisters had alcholic drinks... Ju got Sweet indulgence( i wanted tat at 1st, cOpycat), FeL- Red wIne n mI- Milkmaid
tHe main cOurse melts me away... tAste sooo nIce! Fel had some lobster dish, kat had steamed grouper, mi n jU ate baby veal loin( its baby cow steak)- it's soOo teNder!!!.... den we had dessert n after which they served a cake for kitty the cake was free n it is soo delicious toO... its mango mousse cake! *drooLs agaIn* i mIss the foOd alreadi!
oH almost forgot the mOst amazing part... when we were eating suddenly dere was a firework display of 8 miNs! soOO beautifuL! n its the 1st time i watChed fireworks on the 70th lvl! cOol!
LoOking forwaRd to mOre of these kiNd of exPerience!! mUahaha...
Fantastic view from 70th storey tats the famous esplanade below
ju's sweet indulgence
Fel's red wine
kat's shirley's temple
the birthday gaL
ju n her drink
tuna sashimi
kitty' main course-steamed grouper
tis is heaven! baby veal loin
blow candles
my slice of cake
Recap- sat
went Out with mY aCg gals- simin, jOs, Ps n jOanna, liKe finally... hAd a really nIce dAy... i did manicure n my naiLs lOoks like strawberry! i aDore retail therapy! aTe steAmboat, went for dessert, toOk neopRints n went to esplanade to GT! hEe... eNjoying life nOw! wOo...
nOw Looking fOrward to my chIna n HoNgkong trip!!
mi,jos n mini ps
strawberry nails
desserts at bugis, nIce!
Some previous weeks ago pics
at shiya's hse during CNY
mi n my cousin
i aM craVing for theSe nOW!! Omg... deLicious~
Phin's steakhse baked oysters! muz try.
tAta for now (=
Bunny tang Y 12:47 AM