i'M sOoo fUll~ aTe sOo mUch!!! tHx for tHE meal n the ride hoMe, delia n viCtor =D n i draNk 2 cUps of Bubble teA at the same tIme! OMG. i dIg sTrawberry sNowshake *SlUrps* hAd fUn with the grOup tOday. Last pResentation for the sEm tmL! wOOhoo~ nO more fOrmal wear. dEn its sales n seLLing and pUblic reLation tEst on mOn n tUes... seeMs like mY weekends are Burnt )=
weNt to the dOc agAin yEsterday to get my eye checked and also med for mY coUgh. sPent like $85 tis wk jUz for medical fees. apparently that's dUnnoe wat grOWing in my eye which will take 2 freAking weeks to recoVer. bUt i was a bad gal, coZ the doc said no make-ups n i didnt heed his advice n worst i wore coNtacts. X= *prays tat i duN go bLind* vainty overrules. =P
i WanNa wAtch MOVIES!!!!!!! n mY xiaO lun lUn is iN toWn!!! =DDD
Bunny tang Y 10:37 PM
Monday, July 30, 2007
mIss mi gUys? whaha.
RejOice! enD of mY hectic weeKs for ProJects.
Juz for the moment, next uP tEst n eXams!
But i'M deterMIned to take a sHort break =D
i'm sOoo screWed for my Managerial aCcts. Haiz.
let mi do a short re-cap wat i had dOne for the paSt 2 weeKs.
i Went for bUtch hunt finals, short is hot. but kitty's fav, charm won!
charm's new hairstyle looks much beTter =D
Sister, mi, cOusin.
den it was sch, hm n sch.
imagIne sch frm as early as 9am n as late as 2aM.
lAck of beaUty sLeep, n i tink due to lOng hrs of wearing coNtact lens dere's soMething groWin in mY eye tats causing some blur-ness. stiLL pondering whether to See a dOc /=
aCtually i caNt realli remember wat i did
the week passed, was a blur.
i got to aPologize for Not cAtchin Up wif mY aCg darlIngs!
Loves. mEet uP soOn k? wait no. i INSIST. X=
CLuBbing wif the Guys.
wYatt=wIred. LIMIE. he stoLe my rosE )=
bAd shot. where's dexter? LOL
StoP ur gay pose LIMIE.
PresEntatiOns n More preSentatiOns.
OL looK X=
CoPorate BuNny ^^
tIs remInds mi. i alWayz jOke with my freNz. saying i will be the secretary of a diRector. n i would ask wif a super bimbotic tone: "coffee, tea or mi" wahaha. it made them lAugh like mad.
Sat nIte fEver
wENt to Zouk n Vd yEsterday. despite feelin a little unwell.
mR peNguin, he made mi lAugh my ass off.
Jovi tryin to hOok him Up @@
lOok at tat sExy daNcin it the Cage. "HAWT"
SPot the diff =D
Bunny tang Y 1:49 AM
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
THIS SONG IS DOPE. SERIOUSLY the mTv rocks as mUch as the sOng. totally Love it to the maX! swEet n sad. i caN listen to jUz tis soNg for one whole dAy.
btw, a close shave. my sister aLmost got mi killed yesterday On the waY to the hospitaL to visit my grandpa. i feEl so bLessed to be aLive =D tHank god.
I CAN DO IT! ok i'm motivating myself.period
i nEed mY beaUtiful sLeep. a Veri bAd example, slEepin with makeup on. Hv been sO tired tat i cant heLP it bUt doZe off wif my maKeup n fEeling so guilty aFt it. damn. my skIn is corroding /=
random. love tis effect. it covers my flaws. =D
it says bite here.end it
Bunny tang Y 10:16 AM
Wednesday, July 11, 2007
feEling eMo oUt of sUdden /=
kena the C** virUS X= LOL.
tink onli tat fish noes the **.
listened to avril's-"when u're gone" 6times on the wAy home.
sUper beAutiful and meaning sOng. LOving it.
onli reached home at 1030pm after proJects.
totally tired out.
tis video came at the right time.
saw it on sam's blog. hAhaz.
i will so play till i drop deaD aFter all thE projects are submitted & preSentation. ok maybe enjoy for 2days. bEfoRe starTing to study fOr the dreadful end-of-sem exams.
mY life revolves ard prOjects,drivin lessoNs n mOre asSignments )=
i nEed a life! cOmeon all be goNe soOn PLZZZZZZ~
tURns grEen *hOrrified* --!!
i WanNa lead a care-fRee ogre life =D
Bunny tang Y 6:36 PM
Friday, July 06, 2007
feverish, sore throat n heaDache eVen before mY preseNtation. wth mAybe one of the methods below will woRk for mi. hah.
Bunny tang Y 10:02 PM
GUYS --!!
oKok fine. 25BUcks nOt even eNough for
MY meAls+traNspOrtatioN+eNtertainment, ok?
hai yo.
OMG. foRmal wear totaLLy irks mi )=
preseNtation later at 2pm!
i'M aiming for 8/10? hAHaz...
ps: i'm crAving fOr caKes!!! anY kind soUls? X=
Bunny tang Y 9:44 AM
Thursday, July 05, 2007
sONgs i listen to tells my mood for the moment.listen hard.
*yaWnz* feeLing sO freAking sLeepy thEse dAy.
eVen wheN i nOe i haD enOugh sLeep. daMn.
gOnna bUrn my weekend tIs wK stuDying for SIT test on MondAy.
i hAven reaLLy eNjoyed my weeKends for a LoNg tiMe )=
aNyway, self-secured my students' internship job.
hAtes the pathetIc salary, toTally chiLd laBour.
sOmeoNe suE them pLz. LOL
bLames the sCH for settIng sUch lOw min wAges.
$500/mth, 25bUcks a day in suntec not even eNough for my meaLs LOR!
*Hopes i still get my daily aLlowance frm dAddy* X=
Bunny tang Y 12:41 AM
Bunny tang.
Date de naissance-4th May.
I have crossed the Big 2 and fears entering 3
The corporate world bores me, now i long to go back to sch
Have been working at the Singapore Flyer for 3yrs but a new chapter awaits me
Loving & being loved by my dearest boy
We have crossed our 3yrs mark baby, thats a record n i want it to go on and on
Easily satisfied with SWEET stuffs & a full tummy. U know what to do. Bye ♥