Friday, August 31, 2007
tIs eXam kiLLed soo maNi oF mY brain celLs. mEmorizing alL the Theories in SIT and eVent manAgement n dAmn m i sUffering frm mentaL block. sO tis pOst will be leSs wORds mOre pIctures! i fOrseen Supp pApers for the 1st tiMe in 3yrs of mY poLy life )=
i tiNk i also injUre my wriSt dUe to all the wrItings! 20paGes of nOtes in 2days killed my hand.
some long over-due pics 1st.
badmintOn 2am oUtside my hSe
my son
rEfuse to rUn FeL
unexpectedly Pro kitty X=
GueSs who.
exErcise perks mi Up
aT the airport sEnding Ju oFf.
Wahaha. sAm u lOok like dOnkey X=
FeL,mi n sAm
tIs cUtesy CaMe to viSit mi oN oNe of mY mUggin days.
aWww. mAomao.
he peedEd on mY bed n mY maid hAd to wAsh
oh sO sLeepy.
Today. wOman's fAv hObby aFt sUch sTressful wK! retaiL theraPy!!! its tHe mOment to spLurgE... hAha... i'm goNna pArty My Asrse oFf toO before my Dreadful internshIp stArts! =DDD
$151 oN linGerie. women. --!! thank my aUnt for givIng mi $95 worth of voucher.
$45 maKe ups
gUess wats tHis!!!!! SuPer NICE.
$89 rIng frm Swatch. cant see clearly. it acTually makes uP of 4rings bind tOgether n eAch ring has the nUmber 1-9 where u caN adjUst eaCh of it! doesnt it maKes a veri nIce cOuple riNg =D
$35 dinner at viL'age
*dRools* MusHrooM sOup
mY faV of all-time dEssert. maNgo cRepe wIf iCe cReam. OHMYGOD.
HAve to tHank my sIS Ju toO as she pAid mOst of it. it's NIce beiNg the BAby of the famiLy (: love. priceless. freAking exhaUsted. waLked sOoo lOng n i onLi sLept for 3hrs. n its friday nite!!! wOo~ like finally.
Bunny tang Y 1:06 AM
Wednesday, August 29, 2007
FINAL PAPER ON THURSDAY*Hip HiP HoorAy*PArRtttyyy tIme.sOmebody ask mi OUt. LOL.=DDDthese keeps mi gOing on lonesome mUgging days at night.anyway tat can Of jelLybean is DOPE.u cAnt get tHem in darling Son sAmuel wuN didi broUght them for me frm Hongkong.Lotsa love. ^^
Bunny tang Y 4:55 AM
Sunday, August 26, 2007
MUgGing all aLone at Home
on a Sat nigHt
totally bores
mi! damn.
i Started sNappin =Pi goT cranky.
juz ate nice yummy laksa. back to eat my books.
Bunny tang Y 6:23 AM
Saturday, August 25, 2007
bEfOre i went foR my pAper.
sO diFferent frm the pAst yr pApers i did! its like 10X more difficUlt.
jUz hOping to paSs aft mOderations. the tHOught of taKin sUpp for it totaLly SUX!
i CaN't gEt to Sleep! my biologicaL cLock is totaLLy sCrewed up! i hAve bEen awAke for 21Hrs. CRAP.
2 More Papers tO go! weeKends Burned. i Have today n tml tO Finish 14cHapters of Special interest tourism. n the freAking paPEr is at 930AM! CRAP
yEt to Catch the mOvie "secret"!!! CRAP
i tInk mY eYe has nOt recOvered frm eye iNfectiOn, it's bEen 2wKs! it Looks oK bUt aFter remOVing the COntact LEns its aLl rEd n teAry! CRAP )=
I hV nO holidAys tIS sEm! bEcause i would be on Internship at a cOmpany tat paYs peaNuts. )= CRAPPPPP
cAnt waIt fOr my exAms to eNd! dEn i'll be Away fOr 5dAys to GentiNg. i tink i'll be dePArting on da 4th Sept. Woo~ WISH mi Luck. MuaHaha X=
overall mood- need i say more?
Bunny tang Y 10:34 AM
Saturday, August 18, 2007
i CriEd like a bABy,
i GueSs its the eNd.
-fate loves playing tricks on me-
Bunny tang Y 2:35 PM